Why do hipsters prefer analog?

Hipsters started with vinyl records, then cassettes, then 8-tracks, then R2R.  Where will they stop?


I used to live in the “hipster central” Santa Cruz, CA.

And sold cartridges and such in a record store.

The main behavior of our hipster customers was to listen to their phones all day as the bop along. And to slap on the vinyl as soon as they got home.

It was a pretty good business. 
I will never understand the wool knit hats in the Summer heat!

Probably because retro is cool. I got back into audio about 15 years ago and started buying records because they were super cheap at the time. Then it became hip and the prices shot up like crazy. Glad I got a collection going before the madness. I prefer CDs though. 8 track and cassettes are crap for fidelity in my opinion and the only folks I know that have any R2R gear are over 60.

One thing that does drive me nuts is when they refer to records as vinyls. They are vinyl records for Pete’s sake not vinyls; at least get the terminology right. I am technically a millennial by the way but do not want to be associated with hipsters in any way.

Hipsters like Jeeps too. My boss has one. He asked me if I liked Jeeps and I told him I drove one in the Army before they switched to Humvees. I really don’t know if he likes audio equipment. I know he likes the peanut shop store in downtown Akron OH and it’s the oldest store in our city. Because it’s old.... I think he thinks it’s cool.



Yes, I’m referring to all those that started listening to analog format after the year 2000. That was the peak of CDs and the rise of digital downloads and streaming.