Volume Control Too Sensitive

My latest issue:

As some of you may be aware I have a Bryston BP-26 preamp connected to a pair of Classe CAM-200 monoblock amps.

My issue is that I have very little range on my volume knob. If looked at as a clockface, I can only go from 6 to 7 using XLR cables, and 6 to 8 using RCA cables.

Not only is this lack of range annoying using the remote control, but I question if the sound is compromised by the fact that I’m just using such a small portion of the volume knob.

Any thoughts on this?


Please check sensitivity and total gain of both pre and power

High sensitivity speakers?

My McIntosh mx110z tube tuner/preamp output is only 3 volts.

With high efficiency horns, I am using 12 o'clock on the preamp, and typically 12 o'clock on the 45wpc cayin amp. then up/dn on the cayin via remote.

I cannot believe 15-30v is normal. I agree 15 volts is a LOT for a preamp.

In the old days amps expected a 1 volt input. Preamps were added to boost small signals up to 1 volt for the existing amps.

You have an impedance mismatch between the amp and preamp.  Just add in a pair of Rothwell attenuators … 20 ohm might be best in your case.  Low cost and no sonic downside.  If you hate them (you won’t) you are out $30

@elliottbnewcombjr , please read carefully, i wrote max. that comes from product specification not made it up. Rated output is 1v single ended and 2v in balanced mode. Comparing apples to apples.