Cd transport

Looking for a cd transport to pair with my parasound p5 pre amp.


Bits are bits! That is why we have the Redbook standard for CD data/playback. All devices that can output the data from a CD must conform to this standard. That is why I use a Sony universal player. Sounds perfectly fine to my golden ears! IMO spending big bucks on a transport is just burning money!

@jasonbourne52 I agree to a point, however....the same grade fuel from the same pump, although making any engine run yields different performance.

I think between different players the internal components although spitting out the same bits to a DAC or especially when converting to analog internally can yield different results.

So cable upgrades are fruitless and now CD transports are too according to negative Nancy. My Jay's cdt2 mk3 is a monumental rebuttal to those claims. I owned a ps audio pwt cd transport and a Cambridge CXC and the Jay's has simply put them to shame. End of that story.