Cardas Clear Reflection advice needed

HI group,
I recently bought a Bel Canto Pre3VB preamp with its VBS power supply, which I'm running to my Bel Canto REF500S amp. 
Since the Pre3VB and REF500s are fully balanced, I'm in the market for an XLR cable.
My source interconnects are Cardas Clear; I could wait and save up some more for a Clear XLR, or I could go with a Clear Reflection right now.
If I did that, would I be compromising my system? 
Interested in your thoughts.
My system: BC REF500s, BC Pre3VB & VBS1 battery supply, Arcam Alpha 9 CDP, Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand SE speakers, Kimber Monocle XL speaker cable......

Thanks for your help...

@audioman58 so I take it you did not demo/try Clear interconnects then?   

While I've heard it before on other's systems, have not gone back to Cardas to try Clear interconnects on my system since I moved on to AP.  Good news, I tune my front end tube DAC and tube preamp with different caps, input/driver tubes if needed. Would never pay that much for Clear. Used sets come up for much less if you like them. Was thinking of going back and re-comparing Clear Reflections to Clear if its worth it. More interested in hearing about your Eclipse 8s though!  :)  

@sdl4 My situation is very similar to yours regarding speaker cables. I would love to go with CR but I need 15ft of cable which would cost close to $5K new? I just couldn’t justify that expense for the level I’m playing at. So I kept my eyes on the sales forums and scored 5m of Cardas Neutral Reference speaker cables. While NR not on par with CR, it sounds substantially better than my existing speaker cables. I’m very satisfied with it.

@decooney I am still using the same. Clear Reflection between DAC and pre and Clear Beyond between pre and power.

I am tempted to try another Clear Beyond in the place of the Clear Reflection but it costs a lot more.


Even if I liked them in your system it may not be a match 

I preferred the Final touch audio xlr interconnects very natural sounding 

and Wire World Eclipse Awg9 gauge Speaker cables  a very natural mstch 

which was $2 k for 1 pr of interconnects ,and $1500 for the speaker cables ,for me it was a lot ,  digital I have Final touch audio Sinope usb cable 

and Ethernet from router a AQ Diamond then Finaltouch audio from uptone audio Ether regen to server ,  the little us be perfect is latest item on the usb output and works well better then AQ jitterbug,or IFIAudio usb3 .best $250 ever spent ,

and I do use the Synergistic purple fuses ,they add a bit more resolution  ,I get all  I can out of my system ,Dynaudio speaker Xovers totally upgrades ,as well as Coda CSIB  output capacitors upgraded withDuelund tinned Copperfoil  capacitors  Big improvements.

@mikey8811 thanks, by chance are your two sets of interconnects close to the same length, where you can swap them and put the Clear Beyond first (DAC>Pre) and the Clear Reflection from (Pre>Amp)?  

Sometimes I do this to get an idea, where the leading cable closest to the source takes on the signature of that leading Cardas cable for a higher majority of the sound characteristic.  It's not a perfect scenario like a full loom of course, but it does  give an idea of the differences between the two cable types. Some like to say put your very best cable up front, first.  There is some merit in that I believe.