Cardas Clear Reflection advice needed

HI group,
I recently bought a Bel Canto Pre3VB preamp with its VBS power supply, which I'm running to my Bel Canto REF500S amp. 
Since the Pre3VB and REF500s are fully balanced, I'm in the market for an XLR cable.
My source interconnects are Cardas Clear; I could wait and save up some more for a Clear XLR, or I could go with a Clear Reflection right now.
If I did that, would I be compromising my system? 
Interested in your thoughts.
My system: BC REF500s, BC Pre3VB & VBS1 battery supply, Arcam Alpha 9 CDP, Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand SE speakers, Kimber Monocle XL speaker cable......

Thanks for your help...

Showing 5 responses by mikey8811

@arcamguy I prefer Clear Reflection to Clear. I am using a combination of Clear Beyond and Clear Reflection.

Clear Reflection is a warmer and more forgiving cable than Clear. I tried Clear in my system and somehow did not like it. It was too "clear" for my taste. Mind you, I have probably used most Cardas cables in the past and did prefer Golden Cross to Golden Reference if that gives you an idea of my leanings. I still think the Golden Cross is my favourite all time interconnect and nothing quite beats its midrange portrayal - not even the Clear Beyond.

However, you like Clear so another Clear could very well work for you. I think Cardas describes Clear Reflection as a cross between Clear and the older Golden Reference - that is quite an apt description. So I guess if you would like more warmth in your system, go with the Clear Reflection but if you would like more of the same, then go with Clear.
@arcamguy No, not that I noticed but I did not compare the Clear and Clear Reflection on an AB basis.

I bought Clear Beyond first and then Clear Reflection because I didn't like Clear in my system.

@decooney I have swapped them around before. I preferred the Clear Beyond from pre to power. That was what Cardas advised me to do anyway.

When I tried them the other way, the sound was veiled. I could tell almost straight away that didn't suit me.

@decooney I am still using the same. Clear Reflection between DAC and pre and Clear Beyond between pre and power.

I am tempted to try another Clear Beyond in the place of the Clear Reflection but it costs a lot more.


@decooney No, I didn't add another Clear Beyond. If I find another at a good price I may but I like things as they are now.

As mentioned in my post dated 24 May 2022, I did try the Clear Reflection between pre and power and the Clear Beyond between DAC and pre and found the sound too veiled. I didn't bother trying them this way again.