OCD audio guy naming shady Audiogon dealers by name

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Well, that's 16 minutes of my life I'll never get back.  Just a couple points I take issue with.  1. The idea that equipment that looks great isn't real audiophile?  2. You want me to take you seriously when you lead with statements like "I don't really know anything about the Focal brand".  At the same time he's complaining about GHT, he seems to be totally blown away by the size and look of the showroom.  Pick a lane for gods sake.  There are people who want to design their system around the home, and those who want a dedicated room for their system.  One does not make the other wrong.  

He talks a ton of ish. A ton. In fact it’s turds like him that make me embarassed to say “audiophile”. His “brand” is grating.

After all these ’glowing’ reviews (as in the ’glow’ of nuclear materials), I’m concerned I’d catch something unRx’able and fatal viewing the vid....

As for ’needs a haircut’ is why I don’t post a pic...and why I trim the beard when I tire of the taste of last weeks’ stew.... ;)

After all the dyne ’n wine over the lack of B&B ’shopping extremes’, I wish the guy luck and move on. There’s already a list of ’Ignore’ vendors batted about in AG, and much to some’s chagrin this case may find his niche as yet.

I have basically none in my local focal locus to visit/chat/annoy, and have gotten used to ’ears unheard’ purchases. Since my listening space is the only place that I employ, I consider upfront that Item X WILL sound ’different’ than a showroom.

I concentrate on collecting that which I can ’tweak’ to sound ’great enough’ Anywhere it lands next to me....spouses’ ears taken in account as well....

"Whatt’ya think?"

"Sounds like a mattress is in the way...." -or-  (Looks at a window....) "I'm waiting for the glass to begin etching..."

(A bit extreme, but you get the drift, Cliff...)

I like ’bright’, she likes what she likes... ;)

Simple for her after I’ve dredged the complex to taste.

Mac? I’d rather buy a car....get more mileage from the latter...

Happy Easter...


Total clown show.  Sets his camera so he's looking down on you. Everything is " cool, so cool, beautiful ". What a jerk.