High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.




"it’s already for sale, it’s distributed but not manufactured by a reasonably well known Agon member, the path to the product is perfect. Based upon what I’m hearing in my system, I’m guessing it’s going to remain a staple for audiophiles. I’ve got to get samples to friends overseas, it’s just that good"

Okay, so is the member to remain anomymous at this time except for a few?

Tom, I guess that's a sacrifice for science that someone's going to have to make eventually, for any sort of real world comparison?
I do understand your hesitancy, neither is cheap stuff.

@facten - I DM'd you, sorry I was too cryptic, I gave you a straight answer.

If the new product is purely and only a contact enhancer, I find it difficult to believe it could compete with Q45T (I’m assuming and I’m almost certain Q45T contains a particular ingredient). The Q45T ingredient is the holy grail, beyond belief, unassailable.

Disclaimer - I haven’t heard either of the two products yet.

I too can affirm that the new kid is killer.  Just applied it to the power cords only. Took the TC off, which I thought was great.  Holy Moly!!  What a HUGE difference.  I really can't wait to treat the rest of the system.  By far and away the best tweak I've ever experienced.  Although "tweak" doesn't really do it justice.  Great things are coming!!

Coming soon I will remove the previous contact enhancer and apply the new kid on the block  stuff inside my power amps..or maybe my speaker crossovers which are mounted externally. Then onto the tensil leads and even the voice coils. Don't tell any manufacturers about this revelation many may need clean up their house sound. Tom