ARC CD-2, dac or player upgrade?

I've had an ARC CD-2 for years and although it is a very nice player, I was wondering whether an inexpensive newer dac or even a newer player altogether would be an improvement. Is there anything out there for <<$1000 new or used that would beat the ARC player? I would even consider a mod at this point. Thanks for your input.
are you running CD2 balanced into your preamp? ARC usually sounds best balanced. I compared it directly with the Bel Canto DAC2 and even single-ended I preffered ARC. It layers the soundstage better and overall was more refined. The CD3MkII is an upgrade though if you want more clarity, better definition.

And I highly doubt that for less than $1k you will make any improvement. It will be at best a step sideways and if that will be the case, consider it an achievement.
You might consider contacting Great Northern Sound and discussing your wants/needs with them. Their first level upgrade runs $750, which is below your budget...just might get you where you want to go.
Yes, I am running balanced outputs to the pre. I thought GNSC didn't modify ARC players. Do you know anyone who had their ARC player modified by GNSC?
No, I just assumed that they worked on everything ARC... I'm glad you brought that up, I was looking at buying a pre-owned CD-2 for modification. I just checked their website, and it isn't listed under their "Package Mod's". Says they perform "Custom Mod's" as well...worth double-checking.
I'd be very interested in knowing what Steve H. at GNSC says about mods for the cd-2. Thanks. BTW, I tried one of herbies cd mats and the cd-2 would not play properly. wondering if the transport needs re-alignment.