Black Cat 3232 Speaker cable?

Has anyone tried these speaker cables? What do you think of them if you have? Looking to improve upon my Wireworld Eclipse III, which I had to get (on used market) to replace my Gold Eclipse III which were too short (1m) and I no longer needed a bi wire cable. Looking for the best bang for the buck I can so wondering if these would fit that bill and be an improvement upon the Wireworld I have? I was going to go for the Wireworld Eclipse 8 but they just took an almost $500 price increase on a 2M pair, so looking elsewhere. Thanks.  


I tried a set of earlier versions of Chris S’s ic cables under the Stereovox brand name. I found them pretty hot in treble, lots lots of detail. A friend of mine who knows his stuff well says that is kind of the sound he goes for.

Triodelover, thanks for that - I don't want hotter treble, my silver interconnects have a slight  bit of that but it's very good treble. I was looking for copper speaker wires to not keep headed in that direction. Appreciate that observation.