Systems over $100k

Which of you has a $100k+ system...? Do you plan to upgrade?



did you compare Rockport Lyra to the Cygnus? I use Cygnus and considering Lyra.


i preferred Nagra HD to the Pandora, with the Solos.





How are you Jose? We spoke before. I thought you were going to sell your Solos? No I have not compared anything as of yet. I have spoken with some folks. I am in the preliminary planning part of this. I was very close in going with APEX/COMMANDER, however the part in which the Mephisto/Pandora was going to be worked into the deal fell apart. Will perhaps have to consider a private deal in the future? I am almost happy it went this way, money better spent with speaker upgrade. The Mephisto/Pandora with My EMM  LABS DV2, just work well together. The transparent nature of Gryphon and the Organic presentation of the DV2 pair well.  All though I have NO Complaints with JA 20/20's. They do everything right. Cygnus are exceptional! In terms of Preamp I like to pair preamp with the same company's amplification. The green Bias is another plus for me. Huge room, 30 X 26 X 26H, A frame Log Home. Head Room is needed! I have heard good things about Nagra HD. How would you say the Nagra HD distinguished itself from the Pandora? All the Best Jose...



@ghdprentice So jealous!  I used to sell their stuff and it is awesome.  I realize not EVERYTHING they made/make is SOTA, but if you (possibly) have the new big Maggies being run by all Audio Research reference gear, you truly have the most accurate system I have ever heard.

Doing your room as well, since it is, once again, THE MOST IMPORTANT element in any system, is key.

These days, my new "downsized" home will no longer permit me to have the system I would like, but then again this house is for my child to sell when I am gone, so value is key at this point.

Still jealous, however.  Wish I had purchased 3 D-150's back then...Oh, well, it makes me happy that people like yourself realized what was what and use the best gear.
