Systems over $100k

Which of you has a $100k+ system...? Do you plan to upgrade?


Showing 3 responses by mahgister

My system basic cost is 500 bucks..

But with all my acoustic devices ( homemade) he sound more like a 100,000 dollars one or a bit behind it to me... 😊

Is this count ?

I will not upgrade, why?

nothing exceed acoustic mechanical control in a dedicated room...Especially if the basic gear are well designed to begin with for sure...There is always something best...But when the piano sound natural and fill the room  what more?

And i dont think that one of the best amplifier in the world in 1978 is a piece of shit now... 😁😊

Acoustic method with passive treatment and mechanical active control of the dedicated small room is more POWERFUL than almost any upgrade of any piece of gear..

Audiophile experience is linked to acoustic knowledge not to price tags..

The electronic engineering market is mature so much now that we can buy basically good piece of gear at relatively low costs...

The acoustic knowledge of small room is in his infancy because the need for a dedicated small room was not there save for few customers... Most customers put their system in a living room...

My point is the only luxury in audio is DEDICATED tunable room for the specfic speakers...

I dont give a dam about costly gear...I dont need it to fill my room with 3d musical instruments with natural timbre  and even relatively to some record sound coming from my back with this steroe basic system... it is clear?

The ratio of S.Q. of my modest system is over the roof...It is not the best system at all...But my dedicated room is at his best for this speakers which are already basic good one for sure...

i put all my 7 headphones of all types in a closet..Think about that... Electrostatcis, planar, dynamc one and hibryd one... How this is possible if the sound of my speakers room is not better than each one of them ?

It is and why?

ACOUSTIC control...

that is my point in a nutshell...

@mahgister what did you say?