Change it or Defend it, where is your stereo at?

I'm sitting here listening to Chantal Chamberland.  A wonderful discovery brought to me by using the artist radio feature of Roon and starting with Carla Bruni.  I'm feeling so much enjoyment out of my stereo right now, without the need to even try to be critical. I wouldn't change a thing.  I want to keep it just the way it is forever. If someone came in and offered to make it "better" I'd probably go all John Wick on them. 

So I wonder fellow A'goners.  Where are you?  Are you ready to throw it all out for something?  Are you looking for the next upgrade, or have you gotten yourself to a point where it's so good you are afraid of changing a thing?


I have two systems I’m pretty happy with. Is there room for improvement? There’s always room for improvement. The question is,how far are you willing to chase improvements?  Tomorrow is a new day. 

Happy, Happy, Happy not looking to change

anything. Well maybe something like a cable

I enjoy my system, I am delighted every time

I listen.

I love the sound of my hifi but sometimes, just sometimes, after awhile, as a “technology guy”, I may want to discover what the latest and greatest technologies and breakthroughs can do for me. Out with the old and in with the new? That time may be coming again soon.

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