Class A: Accuphase vs Pass Labs house sound?

I have always been fascinated with Accuphase (Japanese audio in general). I've never heard an Accuphase amp in person. I've heard Pass class a/b amps a few times. I own a FirstWatt j2. One thing I really like about the feature set of Accuphase that it includes a gain level control. I would find that handy since I have 101 efficient (measured at 98db) Zu speakers. Since I run a tube pre, tube hiss can be an issue if I do not keep tabs on the gain when choosing components. No worries with the J2 since the gain is super low. However, I may look to upgrade my amp in the future. Pass 30.8 is something that looks like a nice unit. Also the Accuphase A-48 or A-30.

Just curious if anyone has compared both...sound wise and build wise




A30 or A48 are just little door to real big sound Accuphase  ladder . You just paying for logo only and you will be only satisfied that you own Accuphase brand.  Because Accuphase good sound starts from at least A50V and up power amps and c2800 up line in pre amps . This is very reliable brand. Personally I have owned a lot of equipment. My journey ended up with whole set an Accuphase , and will never go with any thing else. Best wishes on your journey 

Abery don't be so sure you will prefer either Accuphase or Pass over your J2, listen before you jump if possible.

What speakers would the electronics be powering?  That makes all the difference in the world i answering this.

Yeah, I have a couple V-fet amps. Nice smooth sound with great detail.! I'm working on a complete rebuild of two B3's now. The B2's are also excellent, but not for your average enthusiast. 

If you are talking build quality, accuphase is amongst the top one, if you are talking the price, accuphase is amongst the top one, if you are talking the sound, accuphase is not the top one. If you are talking the popularity in hifi field, accuphase  is at far behind position.