Elrog 300b vs we300b

I am looking for an upgrade to my elekit tu8600s. Currently have cossor black plates. I use the amp for my hd800s and zmf atticus. I am looking for more transparency, dynamics and a bigger stage. I am interested in a richer tone too so not sure which direction to go. Any thoughts?


@charles1dad Can't follow your link. I didn't know tooling for tubes that widely available, but then that is eastern Europe, probably lots of old Soviet tooling around.


Sorry about the failed link. But yes, left over factories and machinery from the bygone Soviet Union era. Put to good use it certainly seems. 


hi there smodtactical : ) - I've had WE pre and post 80s, takatsukis, elrogs, KR audio, and different psvanes, among others, in my LM845P fronted system and only the Chinese tubes and others don't sound quite as realistic. Every single other has a life of their own that you will not make much of a mistake in the least choosing between - yes, and that includes the terribly underrated KR tubes, that cost a fraction of the other highly vaunted ones! The KR is a remarkable tube for how little it costs : )


in friendship - kevin


As I recall the KR  and EML are priced pretty similarly. Has that changed recently?
