Fyne F703...anyone owns the ?

Hello...looking for some input on Fyne F703 speakers..any owners of this recent speaker?

I have the F704s with some 15 hours on them. Thus far I am thrilled with these speakers. The midrange presence is uncanny. Fulsome and full bodied bass coupled with balanced highs. A fun speaker with a large and expansive stage filled with richly delivered detail.

Another happy owner of the F704s here. I've had them for about six months and absolutely love them. They are fantastic speakers, beautifully balanced, dynamic as can be, and most importantly, incredibly musical. Put them in a good system and the Gates of Valhalla will open.

@grannyring just wait until you get a couple hundred hours on them! They'll open up even more and continue to improve in those areas you already mention.

F1-12 owner here, pretty fantastic so far. Amp matching is more taste than anything. I've been using anything from a LTA to an Ampzilla with great results. Have also tried Dartzeel, Enleum (Bakoon), FirstWatt, and Pass XA25. They sound more modern than Tannoy with much better bass. 


Yes,  150 pounds each. They have tremendous bass and dynamics when called for. Play classical better than any speaker I have heard. Play all genre of music with equally stellar results. Want to rock? Goodness these can rock. Want beautiful vocals or acoustic? They deliver. They are big and heavy.