Loudness - Why has the industry stopped producing amplifiers with this feature any longer?

I listen to music at all times of the day and night (solid sleep eludes me the older I get).  My favorite times are when the family is gone and I can select the listening level, mostly moderate to higher volumes.  But the simply fact is I find myself listen at lower levels much more often then my preferred listening mode.

Piggybacking on a discussion regarding low level listening here on Audiogon, I'm posing the question:  Why has the majority of industry stopped producing amplifiers with this feature any longer?

I look forward to your input
Ag insider logo xs@2xtenbar
Yes back then that control used to be on all the receivers, for a little added punch.But I do feel the purists won out...or just wear headphones. 
Manufacturers that used Variable Loudness:
1.  Yamaha
2.  Denon
3.  Mitsubishi
4.  McIntosh
5.  Kyocera
6.  Nakamichi

Any others?

I listen 80% late at night in my living room beneath the master bedroom. After  too many complaints from my wife I tried Sennheiser HD650 phones. Ok but good for max 1 hour due to declining  comfort. Had an old McIntosh MA5100 with a Loudness switch. Subbed into my systemwhich helped but found  my Ohm Walsh 200S35s sucked at low volumes. So, now I have 2 complete systems in that room because I added Kef R300s and a Marrantz nd8006 for night use. So my late night listening is no longer issue. Now my wife is upset for different reasons....




@lou_setriodes , add Decware Z-Rock to your list. This seems like the best solution for anyone wanting to keep their existing gear, but add contour adjustment. No longer in production, there was another unit by a company (1-man operation actually) called Delicious Decibels.