I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  
Regarding what the song is actually about, here is what its writer, Mick Jagger, said:
In the Rolling Stone interview (14 December 1995, RS 723) Jagger spoke at length about the song, its inspiration and success, and taking credit for writing the lyrics. Keith Richards also credits Jagger with the song in his autobiography.[14] Jagger attributed the success of the song to a "good groove". After noting that the lyrics could mean so many lewd subjects,[15] he again noted that the combination of those subjects, the lyrical ambiguity was partially why the song was considered successful. He noted, "That makes it... the whole mess thrown in. God knows what I'm on about on that song. It's such a mishmash. All the nasty subjects in one go... I never would write that song now." When interviewer Jann Wenner asked him why, Jagger replied, "I would probably censor myself. I'd think, 'Oh God, I can't. I've got to stop. I can't just write raw like that.'"[16]
And yet, we have rap and hip hop music that promotes disrespect, sexual exploitation, drug use and cop killing.  Not all of it, but enough.  We are on our second generation of this music.  Who listens to this:  the young people.  Is it influencing society?  I think so.  I am not for censorship but the only way to get rid of this is to stop buying it; not cancel culture but supply and demand.
The Stones arent being censored, they are making a business decision to not play Brown Sugar at this concert. Full stop. They also made the business decision to announce their decision in the media. Full stop. Sounds like both decisions are achieving the goals of THEIR decision. Nothing more, nothing less.
One more time the Stones have not been "silenced" they made this decision on their own.