cassettes CAN sound better than vinyl.

cassettes CAN sound better than vinyl. with a good type ii and a Nakamichi CR-7
I do agree that Nakamichi was the best cassette machine going back in the day.   But I have never heard a cassette sounding better than a vinyl LP, even at Nakamichi dealers.   Consequently, I gave up on cassettes long ago.   

I do agree that a live music recorded directly to cassette on a good machine is better than an LP recorded to cassette.  But in the few cases when I had a Tanberg reel to reel recording live music at high speed, it always sounded better than any cassette made of the same recording.  Then again, I didn't use a Nakamichi deck.
leemurray, your numerous posts about cassettes have aroused my interest enough that I think I will dust off my Nakamichi ZX7, and give it a listen again.
Perhaps Lee and viper should start a private conversation and spare the rest of us.