
Dear friends I am interested to upgrade my caps in the tube preamp from Audio theta tin foil 3uf200VDC to Miflex1uf 240VDC copper foil what are your thoughts will reducing the value to 1uf affect the bass and frequency response or should I go with a higher value than 3uf  
Although your comments are addressed to @jasbirnandra I’m sure others viewing this are obtaining valuable insight. Not that yours (Or anyone’s) opinion is absolute but certainly it provides some general distinctions between the various capacitors sonic signatures.

Before deciding to commit to an expenditure on capacitors it is very helpful to have some degree of appreciation for what their sonic character/signature may be. For most it is not feasible to buy every single capacitor of interest and test them in one’s audio system. Someone such as you who has heard a large sample size of capacitors can offer meaningful guidance.
The only somewhat negative experience I've ever had with caps we're talking about is once when I used multiple VH Audio TFTF in totally modded phono stage. Too much of the sterile, clinical sound with multiples of that cap. Would have been better off mixing and matching caps in that case. Mundorfs with silver, have to be careful where used. Otherwise, never made a bad choice, purchases always based off many reviews over much time. I'd go with grannyring's suggestion of Odams, why second guess yourself. Listen to those with experience with cap in question. I'd only say all the caps we're talking about will be improvement over the theta. Only you know exactly what seasoning/cap you're  looking for. Odams sound like they have it all.
I’ve only ever used TFTF on tubed components so I never got to the point where they sounded sterile. While I’ve never compared the TFTFs directly with CuTFs I get the impression the CuTFs are a touch warmer. 

In my pre and power amps all the signal path caps are VCaps, two ODAMs and four CuTFs. Overall my sound is a little less warm than before but given I replaced the OEM caps with both CuTFs and ODAMs I can speak only for the blend of the two and not CuTFs and ODAMs individually. 

What’s most noticeable is detail - it’s off the charts. I cannot recall TFTFs being so transparent. Anybody on a budget should go ODAM. 

Did I mention how detailed they are?

What do you guys recommend for input caps (the literal first component on the circuit) on a power amp?

I have a high bandwidth, high slew rate, neutrally voiced power amp. I did some mods recently and changed the stock input caps to Audience XO. Now these sound very pleasant. They have what I would call tone, a very very nice tone you could listen to all day. But the highs have been rolled off and detail slightly obscured compared to the stock input caps. Not what I was really going for.

I can see the Audience XO would work perfectly on other types of amps (a huge upgrade for the price actually) but it curtails the strengths of this particular high bandwidth amp design.

So what to do? The V-Cap CuTF’s are too expensive at $700 for a pair. But the ODAM’s are $165 for a pair, much more reasonable.

But do I even need input caps anyway, wouldn’t jumping them with bare solid core hookup wire be even more resolving?

But on the other hand doesn’t the input cap protect your speakers from blowing tweeters with passed through DC and various pops and crackles?

Just replaced the stock Gen 1 Sonicap 3.3 mF bypassed with Platinum Sonicap 0.01 mF coupling caps in Dodd Battery Powered preamp with V-Cap ODAM 1mF (100KOhm amp input impedance) bypassed with V-Cap CuTF 0.01mF caps.  Wow!  Giant killer preamp is now kill anything preamp!  Also using LiFePO4 batteries and Victron 24V 5amp charger on preamp...getting 40 hour run time :)

Really think anyone contemplating new preamp purchase should consider coupling cap upgrade as well...