
Dear friends I am interested to upgrade my caps in the tube preamp from Audio theta tin foil 3uf200VDC to Miflex1uf 240VDC copper foil what are your thoughts will reducing the value to 1uf affect the bass and frequency response or should I go with a higher value than 3uf  

Showing 16 responses by sns

@grannyring , you've really piqued my interest in trying the Odams in my highly modded Klipschorn crossovers. Presently using combo of Jupiter VT and Audyn True Copper Max. So, how will odam improve on these caps? And how are they on tonal balance, accentuate, soften or change any part of frequency spectrum? My total system is voiced for these caps, wouldn't want any frequency spectrum changes.
I'm also amazed by the relatively small size of the odam, and relatively low price. I've only considered Duelund Cast as upgrade up to now.
Up to now I perceived Odam as go to capacitor for electronics and where physical space at a premium. A lower priced and smaller size cap that beats higher priced and larger size caps? I'll be replacing the modwright caps in my phono stage with odams, perfect place to try as space at a premium.
I can only tell you my experience with many boutique caps has all been good, just different sonic signatures, none bad. If the odam is as good as stated, should be go to cap for nearly all circumstances. Although I've not heard Duelund Cast in my system, would still be my pick with no space or cost considerations.
I've used those Wima caps in a diy dac project years ago, meh.

Some over on Klipsch Cornwall IV thread modding crossover with the odams, really good reviews.
So clear why so few use boutique parts in audio equipment. Business models don't care or ask why, even most audiophiles unaware of sound quality changes boutique parts can evoke. So, profit margins ok, most consumers ok with status quo, what's not to like.
I've been around the diy audio boutique parts game for perhaps twenty years now, I'd estimate we're around 1% of audiophiles. We're like lone voices in the wilderness, perceived as iconoclasts looking for that last 1-2% of performance. Nothing could be further from the truth. I'd say the one thing I find in common amongst us is the seeking of truth of timbre, boutique parts are specifically designed for their sound signature. IME, performance increases of much greater than 1-2% are possible, in fact to be expected.  If you don't believe parts have sound signatures this is all nuts to you.

As time moves on, I observe increasing use of boutique parts in audio equipment, at least amongst the smaller manufacturers. These guys are subjectivist audiophile/engineers, a rare breed based on use of these parts. These are the people who take the time to voice their equipment in top flight systems, likely try many parts over time, pick what they consider best for their equipment. This is the kind of equipment I seek out these days, I'd actually prefer not having to diy mod equipment. My present dac uses all boutique/top flight parts, my custom designed 300b monoblocks were built with input from me and further diy mods, my 845SET and preamp are both filled with top flight parts which don't require any diy.

The Klipsch Cornwall thread here finds a few doing the exact same crossover mod with the Odam caps and a few other things. If Klipsch is paying attention and we're lucky we may someday see upgraded parts in stock Klipsch Heritage. In regard to manufacturers paying attention, some years ago I upgraded both my crossovers and BAM in Merlin VSM-MM with Duelund VSF caps. In my excitement I called Bobby at Merlin, very irritated that I had the nerve to change his perfect creation. Lo and behold, a few months later he comes out with upgraded VSM with Duelund VSF! I was ticked off with his reaction to me, but respectful in the sense he did care about best performance with his speakers. By the way, the upgrade from stock Hovland caps to Duelund was pretty stunning.

I'm generally skeptical when anyone claims objective superiority for any particular piece of audio equipment or part. So, Raul claims Wima is the most superior cap for any use. And now it appears claims Odam is most superior cap for any use. While I remain skeptical to this claim, I'm willing to be open minded.
So, why would the Odam be the go to cap for every situation? Some claim it sounds like no capacitor, perhaps that's a good thing, perhaps not. If it has no sound may expose other parts in circuit, may not be a good thing. I want my caps to have a sound signature, obtaining pleasing sound signature requires recipe of different flavorings. As far as other parameters of sound quality, such as transparency, resolution, more should be better.
Hard for me to believe odam has no sound signature, never heard a single parts replacement or wire/cable that didn't have some sound signature. And if it has a sound signature may not be best cap for all situations. Perhaps natural would be descriptor I could better understand, even with all the baggage that term invokes.
@salectric , how many new topics available for any audio forum? Subjective vs. objective argument never ending and futile, as is the best whatever.
Tried the Russian PIO in a Latino clone Dyanco amp some years ago, warm, inoffensive, not top tier resolution, transparency.
I too hear R as complaining about flavor of boutique caps. When I stated meh as my judgement of wima caps, what I heard was what I'd describe as electronic sounding, clean and clear, but not engaging.  I suppose I could say lacking in flavor, it had no definable character. Perhaps that's what some may judge as best cap.
@rauliruegas Sound character is not necessarily distortion or higher noise floor. I hear lower noise floor and definite sound signature with various boutique caps.
I have no problem with belief wima or any capacitor is YOUR favorite, to suggest they or any cap is objectively best is problematic. I'd just say, prove wima or whatever  cap is objectively best. I believe it when you say wima superior to boutique caps in your system and your ears/brain. They simply aren't in my system and for my brain/ears.

The constant harping on bests of anything in audio is so tiresome and without merit. Taken within the context of our brains, ears, rooms, AC quality, system individuality, whatever else I'm forgetting, I cannot make with even minimal certainty an objective evaluation of your audio system listening experience. Anyone can make any assertion about all kinds of things, it would be nice to see proof for the objective assertions.

In my experience, in my opinion, in comparison to are some stated conditions that promote more confidence and validity to persons making assertions of various kinds. Finally, having open mind in regard to posts stating these conditions may help one in evolving their system. I understand you met the comparison condition, but you then go on to state wima or whatever cap you should be regarded as best based on your experience. I've never regarded my favorite whatever part or audio equipment should be accepted as an objective best.

Quality should not be understood simply as judgmental term, rather it should be understood in regard to audio as a term to explain the qualities  of the sound we are hearing, . Not everything needs to be understood as being on a linear graph of worst to best.
All audiophiles should read Robert Pirsig's novel, 'Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance' more than once in their life. Being mindful of wisdom of this book will bring much greater pleasure in one's system and deter assertions of superior knowledge. Focusing on qualities rather than qualitative judgements will allow one to have greater pleasure in present system, and better evaluation of present system for incremental improvement. And most important for audio forums, these silly assertions that one is singularly in possession of some audio truth.
R, you continue to claim all boutique caps colored and distorted. W/K/V no coloration, only accurate. So, everyone using colored boutique caps has defective equipment which requires colored, distorted boutique caps to sound natural. So, now we've gone from best caps to best equipment which you seem to have exclusive possession of here. So, we mere mortals with defective equipment can't appreciate the accuracy of your chosen cap.
There can be no dialogue with you,  you have the best ears, equipment and caps. Be happy in your delusion, I'm ok with you believing that. Why can't you let us be happy in our sad delusion?  This thread is about why and what we like our chosen caps, not making claims of a single best cap. Your posts rightfully belong in thread attempting to offer proof of an objectively best cap. See how many respond to that, should be a real fun thread.

I used Duelund  JDM-AG bypass on Jupiter VT in my crossovers to good effect. Affected all freq. a little more insight, like lowering noise floor.
Prior to burn in, I generally hear what I'd describe as an uptight sound, lack of transparency, also, excessive attack , attenuated decay. I'm not going to generalize about tonality, timbre. For sure you'll know when they reach burned in state, often the change comes on in what seems an instant. Suddenly you'll hear an opening up, could also be called blooming of sound. I'm sure the burn in process is slow and ongoing, but almost without exception, the last bit happens in just an instant. Many say 100 hours is usual for the process, I hate to say any particular hours, expectation bias sets in with a set amount of hours. I'd say anywhere between 75 and 200 hours should get you most of the way there.
I usually don't even bother listening anymore prior to 75 hours or so, why suffer the burn in if you don't have to. You may be tempted to come to conclusions prior to burn in if you have to suffer through disappointing sound for too long. If new to cap swaps you may want to hear at least occasionally during burn in to evaluate before and after burn in sound.
Assuming he didn't change any values, no. I'd not go with less voltage rating than stock, and impedance values should stay stock or very close as they were chosen for a reason. Heat can be an issue for some film caps, certain materials such as paper, bees wax may not be best for high heat environment. Physical size could be issue, rubbing components together could be issue.
Good for you! Why would you change the values? Keep them as now! Higher voltage ok, no to impedance change.
I consider the odam very reasonable cost cap, if sq as good as grannyring says, incredible value. In the whole scheme of things $300-$400 not bad. Loudspeaker crossovers with their much large impedance values, and prices, makes electronic cap mods look relatively cheap. My next cap mod will be the odams for sure, likely next few weeks. Their relatively small size is also in their favor, I've faced big hassles in regard to size fitting past film cap mods.
The only somewhat negative experience I've ever had with caps we're talking about is once when I used multiple VH Audio TFTF in totally modded phono stage. Too much of the sterile, clinical sound with multiples of that cap. Would have been better off mixing and matching caps in that case. Mundorfs with silver, have to be careful where used. Otherwise, never made a bad choice, purchases always based off many reviews over much time. I'd go with grannyring's suggestion of Odams, why second guess yourself. Listen to those with experience with cap in question. I'd only say all the caps we're talking about will be improvement over the theta. Only you know exactly what seasoning/cap you're  looking for. Odams sound like they have it all.

@agisthos I wouldn't change cap coupled to direct coupled, designed that way for reason, although equipment feeding amp may have variable dc offset which could alleviate need for cap coupling.


Audience auricap  is only mediocre cap, much better out there. I'd be surprised if you could physically fit vast majority of top tier caps, Vcap ODAM perfect for this use.