Best new musical flooring for flooded basement

My basement carpet, where I have my sound system, was flooded.  I have to replace the flooring.  Which flooring is best for music?
I have faux hardwood floor laminate in my basement which I think was an improvement over the previous concrete
Use a solid vinyl product as mentioned by builder.  It is the only logical choice.  Carpet and wood, of laminates with wood fiber core are all asking for trouble and lots of future expense if further flooding.  Vinyl is acoustically pretty dead.  Can place an area rug that could be removed if threat of further water damage.
Live in an area where this is common. After two times I went tile floors throughout basement. May not be best acoustically, but it mops or vacuum’s right up. You can find ways to deaden the floor, but anything that soaks up water is always going to be a pain.

Interested in the suggestions here.

QUESTION: If there is concrete beneath the flooring put down (LVF, etc.) will it make a big difference? 

Use a solid vinyl product as mentioned by builder. It is the only logical choice.
Why is engineered hardwood not an option, in your opinion?

Concrete can take a LONG time to dry, it may be dry on the surface, but wait longer, use fans, ventilate, IOW, don't trap the moisture within. If in a hurry, buy or rent

Carpet Tiles, laid with ’blue glue’ (quick release, just enough to keep them from moving). Man made fibers, very easy to clean, if disaster can be ’lifted up’, dried, shampooed in the driveway, put back down. Or, dried, put back down, shampooed in place.

Get an extra box of tiles for future replacements if individual tiles get ’painted’ with permanent markers by kids or adults.

My basement laundry room, I installed them myself, just spraying some 3M adhesive. Mine, commercial office grade, have cushioned backs, just a few held in place keep the others from moving IF they have heavy backing.

I use a residential size power scrubber and spray carpet cleaner if they get dirty, modern man made fibers clean easily.

Anything loosens, pick em up, a fresh spritz of spray adhesive ..