Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..

"Close encounters of the 5th kind" watch it.. Especially the part about the guys HEARING... July 4th 1976 for me my wife and 3 other people. Of course come to find out the trifecta lights were seen by 1/2 of the town and CA. 30 day that went on..

Up in the Buttes too, reservation land (good sweats up there also)

THIS is important.. Don’t worry about the election.. I’m gonna be the next president anyways.. :-) One vote, one president.. At least at my house..
SHE can vote for herself.. Two presidents in the same house.. OK!!

Now ET phone THEM, to come home..

Damn... I just got back to this thread now and I see that there were several posts removed immediately after mine. God I would have loved to read them. I can only imagine. LOL.
Not me buddy. Not to often I use the "Report" button, though there is one individual giving a few of us poor fusers a run for our money.. LOL

Like the Grand Nagus Zek said, "It’s like trying to teach Klingons" DS9.

I read them, I just don't remember what they said. Something about rigged elections or something.. Probably self deleted. I didn't read anything to wild.. Moderators usually look for multiple repeated post. A little finger pointing.. LOL I don't think so..

Well, someone reported them.
And none of them were in the least bit offensive, they were actually amusing.
They got deleted quicker than the Afghan army surrendered.