warmest speaker cables you've heard?

I'm looking for a short length of speaker cables, which i need to be as warm as possible..
Price wise, looking at USD700 and below for 1m length pair.

it'll be placed in between an Apollon stereo 1et400a power amp and a RAAL-requisite SR1a speaker adaptor box.
The SR1a is ruthless and clinical and I am looking to add as much warmth as I can. 

Assume the rest of the gear and interconnects have been decided/cannot be swapped out. So just left with the speaker cables to sort out.

I've been told the following are good candidates:
Kimber 8TC
Tellurium Q Black II
Tellurium Ultra Blue

Anything else I should be looking at?
we all want our stereo rigs to sound good to us

how we get there, any of a myriad of ways, is fair game

but some ways are smarter and more practical than others

there is no right or wrong
My question is why would you want "warm" speaker cables? Don’t you want accuracy?
If a system sounds a little cold, a warm sounding SC may get it to sound neutral - I.e. a more accurate reflection of the original sound. Or get it to sound more to your taste even if not necessarily accurate.

If you want warm sound, just turn the treble tone control down or use an EQ.

Tone controls don’t have the same effect a cable swap. You also need to consider an EQ means adding an additional component and an additional interconnect which will definitely reduce accuracy vs. a one-for-one trade of speaker cables which probably won’t reduce accuracy.

That said, many folks do use tone controls and EQs, so they are viable alternatives

Like fb5 says, GR Research cables (if you can solder and heat shrink) will perform well above the price point.  

The previous generation of Cardas (that includes Golden Cross, and the other "Golden" models) is generally a little warmer than the current generation, as the prevailing taste was moving in that direction (more "neutral").  The Cardas Golden ICs and SCs are sought after on the used market and still command decent prices--check USAudioMart and ebay.

The Puritan 156 is excellent and the one power "conditioner" (whatever you want to call it) that made a significant and totally positive improvement to the system.  But it didn't make it warmer--to fall back on a hoary cliché, there was overall just more there there.
I have used the Canare 4S11 star quad cables with my Epos M22 speakers in biwire mode and the sound is very smooth, but also well detailed.  They are quite inexpensive as high end speaker cables go. 

I have had these great Epos flagship speakers for some years and they sound really sweet but their metal dome tweeters can sometimes be a little too sharp.  The Canares do a very nice job taming the highs when needed and replaced Kimber and Audioquest cables I had tried before.