Best bang for buck integrated amp for $500

Looking for best bang for buck amp for under $ 500.  I have triangle Bro 2 speakers already and cables and a dac.  So just looking at a amp.  Something in the 50-100 watt range, slightly on warm side of neutral, good low end, all the good stuff.

Right now i own the Emotiva basx A-100 its not bad i paid $199 but i want to step up my game.  Im kinda looking at Cambridge audio AXR100, a couple of yamahas, but wide open to suggestions ?

Well guys it's come down to trying to decide between my two amps.  Things that I do and don't like about the Riga IO so far.  The biggest Plus I think is if it's on my desktop I love that it seems like it's built very well very quality made good connectors on it and a surprising amount of power for only 30 Watts I think that's the most shocking thing about it to me.  Things I don't like I don't like the volume knob it's really hard to turn it doesn't have an indicator on it it has a notch in it but you can't see it because it's black like the knob the numbers on the front that tell you what input your on you can't even see the numbers Hardly they're so small and they're not well defined.  

I think my biggest gripe so far the thing I just don't know if I'm going to going to be able to get past to keep this amp is it has no Bass the bass that it has is good base but it doesn't have low in grunt it doesn't it's just lacking base and it has no sub out.  Don't get me wrong I'm not a bass head but I do like Bass the io just seems seriously lacking.  On the other hand the Cambridge audio axr 85 has got pounding good bass.  What it is I want to take things from the Cambridge audio and put them into the Rega IO you can't do that I can't keep buying amps and shipping them back until I find the amp I want it's too expensive in return shipping.

I would have to say out of the emotiva bass x a100 the Cambridge audio axr 85 and the io I would say the best one I've heard so far believe it or not is the emotiva.  I got a couple days off of work I'm going to switch back and forth between the Cambridge and the io for 2 days off and decide which one I want if the io had a sub out it would be over with I wouldn't even be having this conversation because I could add a sub.
Well,it seems you like the sonics of the IO best. You can use a subwoofer via speaker outputs. The built in amplifiers have very high input impedance such that the amp doesn't 'see' an increased load. 

Check out the sub threads here on AG.
I’d say first off - you’ll have to let the IO run in for at least a week. Let those transistors settle down after shipping and everything burn in. Listen to it for a week or 2 and then switch back and see what you think. I’d expect the bass to open up for you as well. Especially since you like the tone and clarity. 
Okay I'll try that but I'm not a big believer in burning on amplifiers speakers yeah because there's moving parts but transistors heating up and cooling down I'll give it a try but I'm not a big believer in it.

I do like the sound of the io it's just lacking base I really wasn't planning on having to add a sub but we'll see I'll give it a little more time.

Please let us know how you get on with the IO.
Curious if the sound improves after  break-in.