What do $2500 speaker cables sound like?

Sooo curious about this.  I now use cables costing about $200 and 20 yrs old.

dont want to throw out brands, but its well known.

what can someone expect?

Will sound FAR better in your system as your brain won't let you are a complete fool.
Not a joke .
Don’t ask me. I don’t give sheet.

Maybe they sound like the perp lives in a McMansion. And you don’t.

I just put $66 worth of DYI 14 ga. AG coat CU in my office system. It's as good as it's gonna get.

7,140 posts
05-18-2021 5:19pm
Will sound FAR better in your system as your brain won't let you are a complete fool.
Not a joke .

Perhaps this has already been stated, but it will be only as good as the weakest link.
Quality cables will only help your system sound as good as it is capable of.

akg_ca and williewonka said it best.Also the most expensive cabling absolutely is not the best match for every system. The signal from the amp to the speakers never arrives unscathed.Finding one that does the least harm and allows the components to perform as designed takes trial and error.