I didn’t realize that the fuses were red and black. No wonder they eliminate "bottleneck distortion!" The black absorbs all light and therefore gathers photons. The red color reflects other photons. the push-pull of absorbing and reflecting photons obviously causes the electrons to spin in reverse polarized directlons, hence eliminating that dreaded BND. After reading this thread, I keep wondering how my system would sound if it wasn’t suffering from BND? Who knows many extra "poles of articulation" I might get if I could just get rid of the BND?
Well it all depends what you get by installing this fuse.
Eg having a Dan DAgustino Momentum preamp, will an update to the HD Momentum prised around 10k give you a better sound or will the 3k fuse?
I think I might have been trying about 7-8 aftermarket fuses over the last 2 decades and they have been a very nice expirience every time.
Some of my cabels are at a used price around 6-7k and I value them very much, they are really worth the price and I haven’t found any cheaper that can do the trick.
so if this fuse really delivers what the reviewer tell us, I think it might be worth a try, if I can get a trail on 30 days.
Every so often I suggest that a simple way to upgrade your system is to wrap all the fuses with aluminum foil, including those in your main power box (or the circuit breakers, same thing).  The reason being that high frequencies go through the surface of a conductor, so you reduce the impedance and get much better clarity of sound.  Then I wait to see how long it takes for people to stop taking me seriously.  I think I had better stop doing this or there will be a spate of very expensive house fires...