Herron VTPH-2A Phono Preamp....anyone familiar?

Hi just reaching out to get any input/feedback  on the Herron VTPH-2A Phono Preamp.   While I'm happy with my existing Parasound JC3 Jr., someone recommended the Herron, so I got intrigued, as I've never run into, nor listened to, any Herron products.  
Thks, Jim

@chakster dude, have you heard the Yamaha? Have you read any reviews that compare it to other high end stuff that it blows away? Can you afford it? I'm guessing the answer is no. 
Oops, I made a mistake and misread the Yamaha and Yamamoto from my phone for some reason. So you don’t even own Yamamoto :)

Now i think it’s you who must read what is Yamamoto A-08s and read the reviews and check the price.

I did my search about Yamaha, a company who made cheap receivers for home cinema most of the time. That new product look like an old receivers same style), hope it’s better. I don’t care about reviews, never seen a bad review for anything made today, they are always raving about new product whatever it is.

Anyway, we’re off topic here.

Tube Phono Stage = More noise
Tube amp + tube phono stage = even more noise. 
I'm a little late to this but wonder if any of you VTPH 2A owners can answer a question for me.  Can I plug cartridges into both MM and MC inputs of my VTPH 2A at the same time and simply switch between them with the MM/MC switch on the back?  I suspect @bpoletti will know the answer.

As far as the OP's question goes,  I own a CAT SL-1 Renaissance and before that owned an original SL-1 for 25 years.  During those years I had opportunity to compare with many other other phono stages and consider it to be one of the very best available..  That said the VTPH 2A which I use for additional turntables very closely approaches the CAT.

I've never tried to connect a low output cart and a high output cart to my VTPH-2A at the same time. I don't know if the manufacturer recommends this or not. 

That's a good question for Keith Herron.   

Thanks for quick response.  I have emailed Keith and will post when I hear what he has to say.