Ever wanted to know, what your phono cartridge sounds like dead flat??

This new "GaN Technology" Class-D Integrated phono amp from Technics can equalize your cartridge flat for you using a test record that comes with it.

Cheers George
Who cares?  It's not designed to run "flat."  Just designed to run "flat" against the RIAA EQ plot.  It doesn't matter how it sounds in ANY OTHER configuration.

I always led to believe the "riaa" is the "reference" curve for all phono cartridges, they all try to get close as possible to it. Might as well go back to tone controls then, if they don't try to follow it.

Cheers George
Some sour grapes, might try Guiness Stout or 2 or 3.  Sounds like another well engineered unit from Technics.  Thanks for sharing George.
One of the other members over at the amp/preamp forum found far more info in a second part for you vinyl guys, you have to hit the translate.

Cheers George
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