Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.

Funny how manufacturers of streaming and digital gear continues to chase that elusive analog sound. I thought digital was better?

Before you all get your panties in a wad I enjoy both Digital and Analog but much rather listen to an analog source than digital.

So today I see  Innuos Introduces The PhoenixNET – A Network Switch For Audiophiles @ only $3500.00

Guess I do not see the point you can get superior sound for say $2500 or less with a decent turntable cartridge combo and phono stage. Hell Clear Audio has an all in one for $2500.

I just don’t get it and I do not care to either.
I would just enjoy your music however you please and allow others the same courtesy.

Did I deny you that right? I do not care if you enjoy midget porn. I was simply stating fact.

Just FYI, vinyl sound is not the goal for most digital listeners. We are looking for something much better and I think we will inevitably get it.

I said analog is the benchmark and it truly is. When you go see a band is it live analog or is it dead digital?

@testpilot ......but with a streamer plus a $15/month subscription you can access unlimited HD music.  Who’s ahead now?  

I am,  I am into sound quality. It is quality not quantity kind of like the Airforce in Russia lots of cheap junk, One F18 can shoot down 16 of them at once..

Also remember those digital files are created from an analog master then butchered  err digitized by so called digital audio engineers (an apple app I am sure).

You can make an argument for each format, but in the end one chooses what works for them.  
@skypunk wrote
I am, I am into sound quality. It is quality not quantity kind of like the Airforce in Russia lots of cheap junk, One F18 can shoot down 16 of them at once..

If sound quality is your priority, why aren’t you using a R2R deck and playing master tapes?  Oh btw, the Russians in the early 80’s had a little fighter jet that you may have heard of named the Mig29. 

Funny how manufacturers of streaming and digital gear continues to chase that elusive analog sound.

I reject this assumption in it's entirety.  There's no such evidence of this being the case today.  Given this, the rest of the OP's argument is moot.