The guru on fuses:

For two years, I have asked why and how fuses could possibly matter. All I got was arguments of faith, pro or con. I needed a real audio guru who actually knows. Here is a link from John Curl’s discussion on Parasound’s website. He engineered and designed some some great equipment, including some Mark Levinson gear, The Grateful Dead’s 30 plus McIntosh amp powered Wall of Sound, and his admittedly, somewhat price compromised Parasound designs. He discusses the electrical properties of standard fuses, showing how they are compromised. The entire article is quite enlightening, but to skip to the fuse section, go to the bottom half of page 6.

blah blah blah blah, etc.  Only direct experience will give you any TRUTH.  Create Audio Fuses cost $20 from Parts Connexion.  You try, you like, you don't like, you hear a difference, you don't hear a difference.....but at least you guys just blah blah blah blah, till you die.  Not much truth or happiness in that game.  Have some your mind.....try something new.......the ego does not like likes the same thing over and over again.....define and defend.....that is what the ego does.  Whereas an open human tries new things and knows that "not knowing" is really fun......and sharing new things that you try is even more fun.  So, what are you sharing?.....your ego?.....or your soul?  The choice is yours....every second.   Thank you for listening to my sermon.....please come back next Sunday for another edition......however, it will say the same thing.....the only thing to say......which is, we are infinite, we are beautiful, we are love, we are joy.....and that is forever and ever......bless us all.
Kakyol - thanks!

So, the physics of the fuse is negligible.

Negligible compared to running 240v vs 120v ?
Well I have listened, and have "made" many audiophile friends listen to, on their system, with their boutique fuses, and my generic new ones. Not once, literally not once could they pick out the boutique fuse blind in a power supply circuit. That is 10 people, about 15 tests. How many times do I have to replicate the test to prove the point?

The reality is, though, that I could detect a fuse change with equipment, measuring only at the power supply, at the very limit of continuous power, but would be very difficult, if not impossible to detect at the output, due to the supply filtering, and feedback, either local or overall of the amplifier.

Yes, negligible to voltage as well.

A fuse is a current device. It reacts to the current flow in it. It is not voltage dependent. The only reason they MAY put a voltage rating on it is to make sure that you do not use it in a circuit which may be above its maximum INSULATION voltage, for safety. But its blowing parameter is ALWAYS in Amperes, not volts.

Having said that, a typical device, assuming it can operate with multiple voltages, will usually draw HALF as much current when used with 240 Volts as it does when used with 120 Volts.

So, if you are using .. say a 1200 watt power consuming amplifier, at 120 Volts, it will draw 10 amperes when operating at its maximum volume and will need a 10 amp fuse. When you take this device to the UK for example (assuming it DOES work there and has a voltage selector on it to allow that), the same device will now need only a 5 amp fuse, since it is now connected to 240 Volts.


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