Phono cable suggestions...?

Looking for a phono cable to pair with VPI Scout,/Ortofon 2M Black and Channel Island phono pre. $150-$450 budget, prefer a used cable. Input appreciated.
You might want to try VPIs phono cables that are constructed with the same Discovery wiring that they wire their arms with. Now if you have the upgraded Vahalla wired arm, they just came out with a joint effort, VPI/Vahalla cable but believe it to be out of your price range.  Enjoy the musc
Whatever you get be sure you know the cable capacitance, which will affect the frequency response of your moving magnet Ortofon 2M Black. Some phono cables have capacitance that is too high to work well with moving magnet carts. Capacitance doesn't matter for moving coils. 
I found my 2M Black has a load capacitance at 150-300 pF...What are the implications of being on the low end (150) and the high end (300)?