Mag-Lev Turntables

I’m very interested in this turntable as many are. Fair warning, $2200 is the regular price, go to their site. You won’t find the model recently advertised here for $3100, that’s a fake markup and then said to be “on sale”. Just buy them direct when new, no value in a pass through seller who is not local to you and offers no other value. If you do have one, how is it?😊
Also saw the Mag-Lev at an audio show,  three years ago for me. The turntable was running, but visitors could only listen via a headphone. Not familiar with the LP it was playing. Seeing it running was impressive, though.

Expecting that the demo used a good LP, arm, cartridge, headphone and amp, and was set-up properly, I was very sad it didn't sound right. The music sounded muffled, and also lacking in the high frequencies. That LP was the only one available for listening. I listened only for a very short time.

Looking at the platter floating and rotating by magnetic energy, I could see that the platter was going very slightly side-to-side. I wonder what other rigid body vibration modes are present in this floating platter and how these are controlled. I especially wondered about the modes from the radially-inward-moving, eccentric, downward force applied by the arm on basically a magnetically suspended flywheel.

Here is the engineering principle that must be observed when designing a plinth for a turntable:

The plinth must be as rigid and as acoustically dead (damped) as possible. The mounting of the platter bearing in the plinth will be thus coupled as rigidly as possible to the mounting of the tonearm. If it is not, any vibration at all can be interpreted by the pickup (arm and cartridge) as a coloration.

IOW, if the arm and surface of the platter are able to vibrate at all, if they are always in the same plane of vibration, the pickup will not be able to pickup noise or coloration on that account. So a magnetic suspension simply isn't going to work; coloration is guaranteed.
I own one. 
Loved the ahhh factor. 

couple things, the wobble is bad, if a record is warped or uneven pressing.

If it were on a flat normal tt, uneven records wouldn't matter, but with the Mag-Lev, the needle lifts if the wobble is too great.

There are some albums (ELO) I can't get to the 4th or 5th song on an album

Then it is advertised as semi-automatic. The arm is suppose to lift and return. My stylus is mush thanks t all the paper it has cut through

Lastly, it caught fire. I walked in and smelled smoke. I assumed it was a McIntosh but nope, it was the ML and it melted the plastic. Now no one answers their phone.
Wow. I never imagined a story so crazy would be behind this turntable. Kickstarter is an investment risk always and it may be the story of a startup having all kinds of problems, struggling to some how “make it” like some Hollywood movie. However, audiophiles want to be arguing about how the TT compared to other gear not waiting for repairs or grabbing a fire extinguisher. Audiophiles are also a niche group, you can’t very easily jump into this market and fall flat on your face expecting to get over and go big. It takes years just to build a customer base with a really solid product. It doesn’t look good for maglev, perhaps something good will come of the technology someday, doesn’t look like it will be a TT. Thanks for all of the informative feedback on this post, appreciated.