Mag-Lev Turntables

I’m very interested in this turntable as many are. Fair warning, $2200 is the regular price, go to their site. You won’t find the model recently advertised here for $3100, that’s a fake markup and then said to be “on sale”. Just buy them direct when new, no value in a pass through seller who is not local to you and offers no other value. If you do have one, how is it?😊

Showing 1 response by robvolz

I own one. 
Loved the ahhh factor. 

couple things, the wobble is bad, if a record is warped or uneven pressing.

If it were on a flat normal tt, uneven records wouldn't matter, but with the Mag-Lev, the needle lifts if the wobble is too great.

There are some albums (ELO) I can't get to the 4th or 5th song on an album

Then it is advertised as semi-automatic. The arm is suppose to lift and return. My stylus is mush thanks t all the paper it has cut through

Lastly, it caught fire. I walked in and smelled smoke. I assumed it was a McIntosh but nope, it was the ML and it melted the plastic. Now no one answers their phone.