Mag-Lev Turntables

I’m very interested in this turntable as many are. Fair warning, $2200 is the regular price, go to their site. You won’t find the model recently advertised here for $3100, that’s a fake markup and then said to be “on sale”. Just buy them direct when new, no value in a pass through seller who is not local to you and offers no other value. If you do have one, how is it?😊

Showing 5 responses by t63

Wow. I never imagined a story so crazy would be behind this turntable. Kickstarter is an investment risk always and it may be the story of a startup having all kinds of problems, struggling to some how “make it” like some Hollywood movie. However, audiophiles want to be arguing about how the TT compared to other gear not waiting for repairs or grabbing a fire extinguisher. Audiophiles are also a niche group, you can’t very easily jump into this market and fall flat on your face expecting to get over and go big. It takes years just to build a customer base with a really solid product. It doesn’t look good for maglev, perhaps something good will come of the technology someday, doesn’t look like it will be a TT. Thanks for all of the informative feedback on this post, appreciated. 

After watching it run on YouTube videos, I’m not so sure it’s ready for prime time. However, technology improves and does oust the sacred standbys we believe are irreplaceable. This may be a game changer in terms of cost and eventually performance given more time. It’s always ok to challenge the past and the past price tag. My point was to inform audiogon users of the actual price point as some third party sellers are attempting to add $1000 of cost and then represent the item as “on sale” at the MSRP.  This practice will also go by the wayside as buying direct continues. I do believe that paying a markup at a local outlet who provides setup and service after the sale is still a good idea, as long as you know what you’re paying for. It might be to early for this technology but isn’t it great that vinyl is back and turntable innovation continues? I think so. Digital is cool, but why not have the best of both worlds? Don’t sell your vinyl! 😊
“Many” are all the real views on YouTube that provide proof of interest in the new product. I don’t claim that to be an adoption of technology number. What is “Proper”? I’ll stay open and aware, you never know what the next great advance will be or come from. 
Yeah, I would say 5K is in the ball park for today. We can always hope that the price goes down for better and better sound. I would say it has over the years. Whatever keeps interest in vinyl going is ok with me. The mag-lev might be a lot more fun for entry level than a rega P1 or 2. I’m curious to see if it improves or some part of it spawns the next idea. Worth watching for now if not buying, I never right anything off as one novelty idea just might strike lightning. 
It would be cool to hear those side by side. I have a feeling the Rega wins but that would be a fair bang for buck comparison. Thanks for looking it up.