
Responses from t63

Mag-Lev Turntables
Wow. I never imagined a story so crazy would be behind this turntable. Kickstarter is an investment risk always and it may be the story of a startup having all kinds of problems, struggling to some how “make it” like some Hollywood movie. However,... 
Mag-Lev Turntables
It would be cool to hear those side by side. I have a feeling the Rega wins but that would be a fair bang for buck comparison. Thanks for looking it up.  
Mag-Lev Turntables
Yeah, I would say 5K is in the ball park for today. We can always hope that the price goes down for better and better sound. I would say it has over the years. Whatever keeps interest in vinyl going is ok with me. The mag-lev might be a lot more f... 
Mag-Lev Turntables
“Many” are all the real views on YouTube that provide proof of interest in the new product. I don’t claim that to be an adoption of technology number. What is “Proper”? I’ll stay open and aware, you never know what the next great advance will be o... 
Mag-Lev Turntables
All,After watching it run on YouTube videos, I’m not so sure it’s ready for prime time. However, technology improves and does oust the sacred standbys we believe are irreplaceable. This may be a game changer in terms of cost and eventually perform... 
Should I buy a Class A Amp.
I have a pair of Cary SLM D7 monoblocks. Pure class A. I love them, so yes. Like all gear beauty is in the ear of the listener and tube choice makes a big difference. I prefer to adjust sound with tubes and a preamp that has tone controls and eq s... 
Hype, Hyperbole and high price!
I believe that science, reason, isn't really being tested here with a proven theory, hypothesis are interesting but nobody works off of them expecting repeatable results.  Additionally, the things that an individual may or may not hear in a system...