Record Cleaning Machines

My LP collection is growing. As I invest more and more, I realize the need for a proper record cleaner. Once again I ask the council for suggestions. My budget is flexible, but let’s say $1000 max. 
Thanks 🙏 
Bought a Kirmus for $725 from Sounds Of Silence and it works great but honestly I don’t do all the steps as outlined in the manual. In fact dealer told me to skip a few and works fine, blacker backgrounds and very few ticks and pops. Had a VPI previously but it was nothing like the Kirmus. 
Absolutely positively USC. You will not believe how dirty your prior cleaned records really were until you UC them and see the water you need to empty.
I have a fine....hardly ever use it.   Spend your money elsewhere.
Record cleaning machines are a rip off and sometimes they make the situation worse. All you need is the softest grade tooth brush, a 1$ bottle of Dawn dish soap, and a bit of time. Wash them in with a bit of running water and soap, in a circular motion, don’t be shy, then dry rinse really well and dry in the rack. I have 12,000 or so records, I use them to make a living, and do this method all the time. It works.