Pre amp and Power amp advice needed


I’m looking for a tube pre amp and a tube power amp. A suggestion that I’ve got are Rogue Audio RP-5 + Atlas Magnum II. This is just within my budget. But I don’t think I will be using KT-120 because EL34 is the type of tube I really like.
Today I have a Line Magnetic LM-34ia, but I’m tired of all the hassle with bad soldering and problems with the balance sliding to the right. The unit has been away for repairing for two month now. This time.
Any suggestions?

The speakers are Tannoy Legacy Eaton. Slightly rolled of and slightly dark sounding (says some).
VTA amps and kits from Tubes4hifi.  Great sounding robust amps and great support. Highly recommended.
I have a PrimaLuna Dialogue HP integrated. Runs like a top and sounds great. It drives my Magico A3 towers with no sweat. 
Please check out the Cary Audio direct sales website.  They have a big markdown since March for the Corona Virus epidemic, but it ends on Sunday.
Given the 89dB sensitivity a more powerful AMP would be my pick. I also use a PrimaLuna HP but there are many fine choices tube and SS. 
I had a Cary 120 running my Tannoy FSMs 94 sens. 4ohms.
Tired of tubes issues I sold it and bought a Pass Labs XA25.
I was and am a lover of tube sound but the Pass offers much more
in my experience. I am shopping/saving now for the tube preamp
I want to pair with these two pieces. So far I like the information
and opinions on the Supratek Chardonnay pre. $2k new.