Best used integrated under $5k

Hey guys

Preparing for a move out from our NYC apartment to a house in the suburbs. 
As part of that planning to create dedicated 2 channel space. At the moment using my salk sound speakers with marantz receiver. 
Plan is to get a new TT. Also last year I had done countless hours of auditions and based on that had settled on Wilson Sabrina. Planning to buy them used to save some dough. 
Also planning to buy used integrated. Want to spend < $5000. Short list is
- Hegel 360
- Luxman 509
- ML 585
- Audio Research VSI75
- Naim Supernait 2
- Krell Vanguard

Bunch of these brands are not that easy to find in the used market and you have to wait. 
Would appreciate any inputs on the above and anything else I should be looking at.
This at the very low end of your price range but I thought I would mention it in case you might want to direct some of your budget to other upgrades. Denon made a series of integrated amps with the designation PMA-2000. I have the 2000IVR. They have 80 watts per channel into 8 ohms and double their power into 4 ohms. Mine weighs about 60 lbs and is extremely well built. I run this integrated in my desktop system but I've compared it to my Krell separates in my main system and it holds up surprisingly well in sound quality. Many people would turn up their nose at a Denon integrated but they would be missing an amp that is better built than a lot of high end brands. These come up now and then and go for between $500 and $1000.
marrduk24 if you don't want the Anthem's bells & whistles but still want a flat out incredible dac, look at the PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell separates. They're small for separates and I think would best any of these options sound wise.  At least to me, they did.
I have heard the Simaudio integrated with the Sabrina at Lyric Hifi on the UES. I think the combo is really good and it fits your budget. 
@hsw I also heard that Simaudio/Wilson combo at Lyric Hifi and it knocked my socks off. I could feel Frank Sinatra’s breath on my face. (I don’t think he was wearing a mask either...)
Thanks guys. Really appreciate all the inputs. 
I have found a dealer that has Luxman, Hegel, PrimaLuna & Simaudio. So feels like a good place to compare these. 
Also planning to visit 2nd place to compare Naim, Hegel, Pass, Audio Research. While at the 2nd place will also look at Anthem and Langford (other  suggestions here). 
Hopefully between these two auditions I will select something.