Ultrasonic: should I do it?

Group,I'm seriously considering an Audio Desk Systeme or Degritter, but before I pull the trigger and spend some serious money, I wanted to get some feedback from you folks.
I don't doubt ultrasonic is a big step forward, but I guess I'm wondering how big a step; I currently use a Record Doctor V/Spin Clean to take care of my vinyl, and yes, either of the above options will be a leap ahead. But I'm also considering a Pro-Ject VC-E, and my question is would the Pro-Ject be enough of an improvement to save me some money.
I've also heard about reliability issues with the Audio Desk, and the Degritter is new. Does anyone have any feedback on the reliability of either unit?
As for DYI ultrasonic, I don't have the space in my home for one of those. I'd seriously look at Kirmuss, but I don't have the stamina, with hundreds of records, for his multi-step system.
Thanks in advance for your input.
The Audio Desk is a high cost convenience. (I actually own one). And when it breaks down, a high cost repair.
Check this out.. www.vibratollc.com
I actually own one.

I get a kick out of people who recommend products with no actual experience with them.

I bought the Degritter about a year ago. I'm not looking back. It's easy to use and has done a very nice job cleaning my vinyl. In addition to new units they sometimes have B-stock available for a discount off MSRP which is what I bought.
Folks,Thank you all for your advice; I decided to go with the Audio Desk Pro - got a demo unit at a great price.
Another Degritter here, I tried an Audiodesk but was expecting too much at the time as it didn’t clean one of my test records down to 17D3 depth, my cartridge at the time and having a particularly fine microridge stylus and then read I about the  difficulty of repairing it when the pump or fan went. I’ve no actual knowledge if the Degritter is better in this respect but it won’t be worse. I still keep a VPI16.5 for use with an enzyme cleaner for those discs that are too much for US alone (mould spots for example).
I remember when the big thing was steam.  Nobody does this anymore?
I never did because it seemed like too much effort and mess, but I would bet a good steam followed by an ultrasonic would really get to the bottom of those grooves.  Maybe.