
Discussions arcamguy has started

Did I damage my speakers?407424
Distilled water rinse after ultrasonic cleaning501131
Ultrasonic: should I do it?241811
Tonearm rewiring1607317
Cardas Clear Reflection advice needed2643655
Mobile Fidelity UltraDeck with MC cart62843
SACD advice: is the Marantz SA-14S1 that much better than the SA8005?83034
Parasound's new Halo integrated864511
Upgrade CDP, or go with outboard DAC?29503
Hubbell 5362W vs. 5362WWR25624
Upgrade advice please31063
Problem with Linn radio16701
Peachtree Nova Preamp/Peachtree 200 power amp34930
Anthem Integrated 225 -opinions3634214
Amp ventilation question422718