
Responses from arcamguy

Ortofon Concorde Music Black or Ortofon Concorde Music LVB 250?
I may be leaning towards the LVB; I've heard good things about the Quintet line. One attraction for me with the Concordes is ease of alignment. After years of fiddling with cartridges, I've come to the conclusion that I'm just not that good at se... 
Bel Canto CD3t transport replacement
Just wanted to see how you resolved this. Have you reached out to Bel Canto support? I found them very responsive when I needed things checked on my BC pieces.  
Audio Desk Systeme - Vinyl Cleaner – Repair of Water Pump Failure
@decibell I've had a used unit fail on me - pump issues. I now own a Pro model.Would you be able to send me the pictures and instructions on how to repair the unit, should this happen again?If it does happen again, I will not be purchasing/exchang... 
Audio Desk Systeme - Vinyl Cleaner – Repair of Water Pump Failure
@mscardina I am an Audio Desk System pro owner; I've had a used cleaner fail on me; I now own the Pro model.I saw your advice about cleaning the unit when you change fluid; clean where, exactly - the bottom reservoir tank or the top tank where the... 
Did I damage my speakers?
Hello group,Apologies for the delay in communicating; I sent the Bel Canto preamp and battery unit off to get checked at Bel Canto and they returned with a clean bill of health yesterday.Put it back in the system and it sounds the same: not quite ... 
Did I damage my speakers?
Hello all,Thanks for your responses.@millercarbon I always enjoy your posts. Sounds like you listen at louder levels; I will take your advice and check other issues. @erik_squires  thanks for the advice; I will leave them on 24/7. @douglas_schroed... 
Did I damage my speakers?
@douglas_schroeder Thanks for the input. I don't do digital streaming, but I do have another preamp I can put in the system to see if that eliminates the issue.Never thought it could be the preamp. I should note I do not keep my system on 24/7, an... 
Ultrasonic: should I do it?
Everyone, thanks for keeping the conversation going.So far, my Audio Desk has worked fine and I do notice the difference in my records.Regafan: I see you rinse your records at the end; did you find that improves sound quality after using the Audio... 
Ultrasonic: should I do it?
Folks,Thank you all for your advice; I decided to go with the Audio Desk Pro - got a demo unit at a great price.  
Degritter brand ultrasonic record cleaner
Hi group,I’m looking at buying a Degritter. In case of service, is there a US repair option or does it have to go back to Europe?How have people found the reliability of the unit? 
Bel canto Ref600 versus PS Audio M700
@koestner Quite correct; apologies. Do hope someone can make a comparison between the two amps. 
Bel canto Ref600 versus PS Audio M700
Ditto. Considering both. Anybody? One is Ncore, the other is a proprietary “gain cell.” @benjosef1 and I are both interested in any direct comparisons. Thanks much.... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
Have enjoyed this thread. I’m narrowing my search between Bel Canto REF600m’s, and PSAudio M700’s. Currently own Bel Canto REF500s, driving Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand SEs.If anyone has experience with both the 600M and the M700, I would... 
What area or country do you live in ?
Henderson, NV, outside Las Vegas.@kikbutt: my family is in Amherst. Beautiful town. 
Discontinued equipment that you wish were still here. What do you miss or think will miss?
Boston Acoustic A400's. Had a mint pair I sold years ago. Been kicking myself ever since.