Ayre KV-5 Twenty or Parasound JC 1

I’m using an Ayre KV-5 Twenty amp with a KX-5 Twenty preamp to drive KEF Reference 1s, but I have three JC-1s in cartons with the plan to sell them. I also have a JC-2 preamp. I’m loath to unbox the JC-1s just to try them with the Reference 1s, so I wonder if anyone has compared the two amps and can give advice. I use a QX-5 Twenty for Roon, so like the idea of an all Ayre setup, balanced of course, but it also would be balanced with the Parasound JC-2 and JC-1s. Any thoughts/advice?

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When I decided to move from a tube power amp to SS I was lucky enough to be able to in home demo the JC-1 and a VX5/20.  Each was driven by my VAC tube preamp.  Enjoyed both a lot but the Ayre is what has been in my system now for a couple of years.  
I used the three JC-1s to drive KEF Reference 107/2s and a 204/2C for years.  The JC-1s added great LF authority to the 107/2s.  But it was a pair of 20-watt Cary CAD-572SE tube mono blocks that lead me to the Ayre amp, that and that I had been hooked on the sound of SACDs with my C-5xeMP disc player.  I get an uncanny sense of music just flowing with Ayre as though there's nothing involved in its reproduction.
Yes, I think I do.  I'll try to sell the three JC-1s, the JC-2, and the two JC-3s I have boxed up and ready to go.  Thanks to all who have given advice.