TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?
Because I still have Tice Audio Sig PBIII HP and a few other stuff around, I thought I will give them a try also. Who knows if TRL 14 being modded to be battery powered, then there won't be much concerned; but I also wonder how much improvement could be there for a battery powered 14 over the standard AC powered 14?
Hi Guys,

For those of you that still have the Marantz SA-14 TRL, the new cable in my system has improved things tremendously.
But first an update. I have gone to tubes all around. The set up is Full Image Pre replacing the Meitner Switchman and my powerfull and elegant SET showing off the muscle power of 8 watts! It packs a wallop on these speakers.

Its driving a pair of Rosinante Gabriel full range speakers at 95db. With the addition of the Oritek X-1 music is now playing in my room every night.

In addition, I will be adding a device to the mix that hopefully will remove any last hint of digital. This device comes recommended by a reputable source known for sniffing out these low cost items. The claim is that the sound is analog for under $200.

Stay tuned.

And last but not least, I have alot of respect for what Paul has done especially with the Sony NS900. But I am afraid the Marantz SA-14 TRL is here to stay simply because of its performance and aesthetic appeal. I am sure the NS900 is far better musically but I will keep the Marantz SA-14 TRL especially with the addition of the Oritek X-1 and the prospects of additonal improvements from the disc treatment itself.

Well, no need to wonder about which is better. They are both wonderful players. The TRL SA14 is simply different than the TRL Sony 900.

The cable you are happy with is the Oritek X-1 I am assuming.
What did it sem to do in your system?

It made everything very articulate and coherent. I compared it to the Acoustic Zen Matrix II. While the Zen adds more body, bass and warmth, the Ori cable is wonderful in speed, balance, and low noise. Of the two, the Oritek is more neutral. It also adds more emotion, you just feel more connected to the sound.

The Oritek X-1 noise level is very low so there is alot of "air" around instruments especially cymbals, saxophone (try Antiphone Blues cut 2)and guitar strings. Very involving indeed.

Enyas voice (Watermark) is more articulate, I can understand her words. Very nice improvement especially at the used price found on Audiogon. Its a keeper.
I am going to be trying the Oritek X-2 shortly on my TRL Sony DVP-NS900V. If I see a used X-1 I'll be all over it. Too much has been said about these cable to ignore them.