Good information to know. Thanks. I have read that on other Marantz units the balanced is a bit better also for some people in their system. |
Maybe Jes45 can jump in here. He has firsthand experience with the TRL 2000 and the TRL modded Marantz SA14. I am not sure which version of the SA14 he has auditioned, I think version 1. He was extremely impressed and comments from TRL are quite positive on the Marantz SA14 and SA11 units. Your Sony 2000 is supposed to be a notch better than the TRL Sony 595 which I had. I found the burn in to be all of 500+ hours. Sound was quite balanced across the spectrum and quite analog like after it settled in. Midrange will come. |
Very good questions by all. It does seem to be the case by some modders to make extreme claims about their new and improved mod that they are now offering that "blows away" whatever they did before to that unit. Makes you wonder. Especially if you blew several thousand dollars on their mod from last year. I should say that I tend to gravitate toward the mod as an enhancement approach versus modding as re-engineering school. If you have to replace almost all parts and totally re-engineer a unit-why did you buy that unit?
FWIW, it appears that TRL uses their $30,000 processor as a reference. They have not made claims to my knowledge that the Sony 595, then the Sony 2000 almost equals it, and then next week claim something else almost equals it. They avoid extreme hyperbole in their comments from what I have seen. They do have opinions, however FWIW. Every modder does.
They do seem to think that the 2000 is a slight improvement on the 595 in certain ways. They seem to apparently think that the SA14 and SA11's are better mod platforms than the 2000, and also the Esoterics, and Denons they have worked on. They are assessing other models.
Actually, TRL thinks the SA14/SA11's are great units by all communication I have had with them. That does not mean that they do not feel that there are areas that can be improved upon. There are posters on this thread who feel strongly that the SA14/SA11's have issues. You get that with any well reviewed unit though, including the Benchmark, et al.
Whether the TRL mod to these or any units is truly what you also idealize as better can become subjective without a doubt.
Now, if Jack Seaton (Jes45) can pipe in here, he can provide more clarity than any of us as he has heard most of these TRL modded units firsthand.
Yes, Paul and TRL have a longstanding positive reputation in the audio field and he is very conscious of maintaining that rep with each and every customer from the $550 digital mods to the multi-thousand dollar amps he makes. Everybody gets treated respectfully. He truly knows music-especially from his live audio engineering and recording work, which gives him a background other modders simply do not have. We talk about his "reference" as the $30,000 TRL processor, but actual real live music is also one of their "references".
As an amateur musician/recording hack this is what really got me interested in TRL. They simply know what actual live music performances sound like. Isn't that what we all are seeking in some way? If you have ever heard any of the Fidelis and Diversity recordings - they are quite impressive.
Since getting these mods is often a leap of faith for the end user which cannot compare the units side by side, TRL is a company (and there certainly are other fine ones too) that engender confidence.
Let us know how it turns out for you! I am trying to make up my mind on what unit to have them mod next. |
Dracule1- Fair inquiry without a doubt. I did not pop the hood on mine. Others have done so. I have heard earlier TRL Sony mods used more dampening material than later as they determined what amount was actually effective/needed per specific units. One guy in a thread on AA stated the work looked high quality, but was not specific. Maybe someone who has examined theirs closely can comment.
I have not heard anyone express concern about implementation-but TRL also is not sticking significant aftermarket new or replacement parts into the stock units so there is less likelhood of cramming stuff into space that was not meant for it. If anything, they take stuff out in some places but I don't really know.
Again, my impression from direct comments from Paul, and professional review info without knowing exact specifics is that their approach strengthens the transport, clock, circuitry, and power supply and shortens the signal path. It is more an enhancement than additive/re-engineering deal.
This modding thing is as much voicing skill IMHO as much as parts or wholesale technical changes. Maybe I am full of it, but really parts are not that pricy in the digital world.(I am an authorized computer reseller and builder). Parts are likely not the big expense in mods. The cost is in the hours in the design and creative process and labor. Now that is not to say that if someone actually builds a proprietary component for a digital unit that they are not going to then charge what the market will bear.
If you are looking for a boatlad of new caps, a proprietary clock, and added tube stages and external power supplies-these guys are not your modders.
Their approach seems to be a marked difference from the additive or re-engineering modding school. Both are obviously effective for people depending upon what they like and want and also how much they believe in a specific design approach. Choices for the end user are good as is the market price competiton.
What I was told by another user is that after Paul's mod design on a unit, they use the same technicians that build their multi-thousand dollar preamps/amps and signal processors to actually do the mods. That would be a good thing if accurate. |
I think the SA14 version 2 did come in gold in addition to having some parts upgrades of some type. They show up here used at a higher price. The SA 14 is no longer in production as it has been replaced by the SA11 if I am not mistaken. Don't know if the SA14 ver 1 comes in gold also. |
Well, I found a nice deal on a SA14v1 myself and it is on it's way next week to TRL. Keep us posted. |
Glad to hear that the unit sounds like a winner for you. The people I have heard from about the TRL Marantz SA14 have all stated it is extremely impressive across the audio spectrum. Enjoy! |
There has not been an 8260 sent in to TRL yet, but it certainly might hold promise simply based upon the same DACs, and the general Marantz design concept as similar to the SA14. It was a Class A unit in S-fool FWIW.
My hunch is it might be quite good. |
I get my TRL modded SA14 this week. Will post some comments that may provide some additonal info then. Looking forward to it! |
Gandme- You are not butting in-you are just joining the party! Glad to hear it fits well in your system. Not sure what to say about your different gain levels from your sources. What is your preamp that you use? Nice amp by the way. It has been told to me that since a volume control theoretically simply lets out more of the amp's static power (it does not make any difference to the amp) it really doesn't matter if the pot is at 10:00 o'clock or 1:00 o'clock for the same sound level as long as you are getting the listening level you wish. Maybe somebody else can explain this better than me.
Oldpet- My unit won't get shipped to TRL until next week so it will be a couple weeks before it gets to me. I can't wait. Thanks for sharing your experience with it as it helped me make up my mind between a SA14 or looking for an SA11. I would have certainly liked to get an SA11 as it is reported to be a bit better after modding, but it is out of my budget range so the SA14 is a good choice for me.
I really like Parasound gear. I had a 750A before I got my Musical Fidelity A300. I still use an older 800II to power my pro audio/recording monitors setup. My best friend just set up his system with JC 1 monoblocks. They are monsters.
FWIW, you may wish to check the output of your other sources for comparision. When I had my Sony 595 modded by TRL, there didn't seem to be any difference regarding sound level even though the Sony had 2 Vrms output and my previous source (a Cary 308) had a 3.0 Vrms output. The 595 and the 2000 are almost the same in makeup with the 2000 having an additional transformer or something that helps take it up a notch over the 595.
Paul may be right that the other sources may be "hot", but if you are not easily getting the same sound pressure levels by simply turning up (opening up) your volume pot, then there might be something amiss. TRL could easily look at it to make sure. The only other thing I can think of is that there is some impedance matching oddity between the Sony 2000 and the Parasound 850 preamp-but I would not know what that might be.
You have a great setup-yes you should easily be getting as much sound level as you want or need. |
That is a bigass room! Lots of cubic feet. Not sure I understand your description of clipping, but I am not an audio engineer either. What I have been told is that the amp could care less where the volume control/pot is at. Your amp just exists-i.e. -you have a 100 watt per channel amp at 8 ohms and it produces 200 watts at 4 ohms, or 150 watts at 6 ohms,,etc.
Actually turning up the volume control does not call upon more power/watts from the amp. The real issue is (if I am not totally off track here) your speaker load/draw and this is a mixture of efficiency and ohm load variation across the sound spectrum of usually 30hz or so to 12,000hz or something. Different speakers are easier to drive and have less ohm variation than others.
I don't know how efficent your speakers are. Maybe your previous cd sources were hotter and it gave you more decibels with your amp/speaker setup. Maybe the TRL Sony does have slightly less gain and the system (amp/speakers) will not produce the same volume in that room (which is fairly large by the way).
We also don't know how loud you believe is standard listening (75 db?. 85 db?).
If you can get your hands on a cheap Radio Shack spl meter, then you could A/B with your old cd player and compare.
The only thing that throws me is your description of clipping. Clipping was always explained to me as speaker sound breaking up due to not enough power to adequately drive them. In other words-people don't blow out speakers from too much power, but rather not enough.
Are the Audio Physic Virgo IIs hard to drive maybe? Remember that it is just not efficiency rating but ohm variation across the spectrum.
Sorry, for the long post. Hopefully it offered some other things to consider here. |
You are killing me, man. I can't wait. It will be a couple weeks before I get mine. It isn't getting shipped to TRL until next week :( |
Pardales -
To my knowledge, TRL has not done an 8260. I think they may have done both versions of the SA14, but were not able to do a side by side comparision if I recall correctly. Maybe if you email Paul he can comment on that. I seem to recall someone stating (don't hold me to this)that the difference after mods of SA14v1 and SA14v2 was negligible even though the SA14v2 had some enhancements to the stock version.
The 8260 uses the same DAC. The SA14v1 has been claimed to be very similar in stock form to the 8260 IIRC in sound by one professional reviewer. They fooled around with power cords and were able to get the same voicing or sound basically from the two units. The SA14 v2 supposedly had some improvements of some type in shielding and power handling after alleged comments about the SA14v1 being so close to the 8260 in sound. I think someone stated in a forum that the SA14 v2 was slightly better than the v1 in SACD, but the Redbook was the same.
All of the above may be irrelevant as to how this all translates after a TRL mod and is something only they can maybe answer for you from their understanding of the topology of the three units.
FWIW, I almost got a used 8260, but found an SA14 at a reasonable price so went with that.
The users who have heard or who own the SA14v1 modded by TRL are certainly happy so that is probably a safe bet right now. The SA11 is supposedly slightly better. My guess is the 8260 would be very nice also. Who knows- it might be right there with the SA14/SA11 TRL units. |
I get my TRL SA14 unit Tuesday if the Fedex tracking info is correct. I also recently had TRL mod my integrated amplifier (Musical Fidelity A 300). I have only had it back for three days so only have initial impressions. It will take several weeks to fully break in according to Paul and Brian. I borrowed a TRL Sony 595 (which I had in my system before) from my friend here in town so I could hear the amp only change before I got the Marantz this week.
The changes from the amp mod are quite startling actually. I guess we all forget with all these digital mods TRL is doing that they are state of the art preamp/amp designers and builders. Who better to have mod your amp!
The noise floor has been lowered a great deal and the sound is quite a bit smoother, effortless, and more 3D. I will post more on this later on a different thread maybe, but I have been listening to my system today and wondering how in the hell is the Marantz going to top this? I am also wondering how much more can this modest little amp improve upon break in? I am in for a nice ride I think in the next couple of months.
While listening to Dave Brubeck Time Out tonight, I truly had the system disappear at times and was immersed in the music totally. I do agree that the real test of any system is do you emotionally connect to the music.
Will let folks know how the TRL Marantz SA14 works out in my system. |
The fee is the standard $550 they charge on all mods for digital units/DACS/transports/ etc.
Brian feels that the MF A300 changes were very nice. Not in the class of their new solid state 225 watt a side ST-225 integrated amp, but he was surprised how far they were able to take the MF. The ST 255 is $5500 so that would be expected. I think the MF A300 was around $1700 new.
The mod was definitely worth it IMHO. It has a very different character now. Until you hear your unit with the noise and glare removed, you are not aware how much was in the way and what you were missing.
I have a friend who is going to demo the ST 225 in a couple weeks with his Soundlabs, so will get to here their new product soon in his very high end system. Maybe he will arrange a visit for the ST 225 at my house :)
I thought I heard you have listened to the ST 225? How was it in your opinion? |
MAybe the ST 225 is something to consider down the road. Paul and Brian are quite excited about the product. For TRL with their worldclass SOTA tube preamp and amp experience to get excited about a SS integrated is something of note.
If I can get my buddy to bring it over here for a couple days, I will let you know what it sounds like to my ears.
Brian told me something about being able to easily tell when Branford Marsalis was swaying his head during a solo!! It is probably a little out of my price range right now, but it doesn't hurt to look :) (At least that is what I tell my wife). |
La45- I told you something happened to my TRL Sony 595 right at the 300 hours break in point. I ended up adjusting my sub (ACI Titan) gain level back a bit as the bass just kicked in at that break in point. It sounds like you are very very happy with the synergy of your system. It is exciting to hear this story. I have a long way to go right now with the TRL modded MF A300 integrated amp, and the newly received TRL Marantz SA14 tonight. The amp now has 100 hours and the SA14 has 20 minutes!!! LOL.
Yes, TRL packs these things like I have never seen in my life. Short of Fedex actually driving over the box with the truck-I don't see how anything bad can happen in shipping route!
Let us know how it is sounding and I will do the same. The Marantz SA14 has very nice build quality. |
Buynow- The general email for TRL on their CONTACT US page is: He has another email, but I don't have that on this computer. The website is: There are phone numbers there in the CONTACT US weblink on the Home page if you would rather call Paul or Brian at the shop. |
Paul Weitzel's direct email at TRL is:
Regards- Tony |
Hesitant to state any impressions of the TRL SA14 right now as I have only actually listened to two songs ----from a Joshua Redman/Pat Metheny CD (WISH); and a Wynton Marsalis (Hot House Flowers)CD.
Had it sitting overnight for 12 hours now breaking in. I also lubed up the Marantz RCA connectors and power cord inlet IEC with Quick Silver contact enhancer(which takes 72 hours to settle down). I also, of course, have my integrated MF A300 amp which was modded by TRL and has only five days break in (that will take around four weeks according to TRL).
Soooo, the following comments are to be taken with a huge grain of salt.
First impressions- Very sweet, pure, musical and engaging. Very defined on bass, but slightly shy on lower midbass and deep bass weight or heft right now.
That is all for now :) The fun is just beginning I think :)
I will post my SYSTEM specs here later today so folks can see my setup specifics. |
Hey guys-
Posted my modest SYSTEM specs in my signature if anyone is interested to know what the TRL Marantz SA14 is mated with.
It is hard to be patient during a break in period, but it is also fun to hear changes as they evolve!
I should follow my own advice and encouragement about bass development in the TRL modded digital sources. I spent the weekend with the TRL Sony 595 which I loved for the full tuneful bass so moving to the newly modded SA14 is an adjustment again.
Yes, the bass is very musical and tuneful. My ACI Titan sub never sounded so clean! I am sure that the "heft" I was used to with the TRL Sony 595 will blossom over time. I was listening to a Charlie Haden bass solo on the Metheny/Redman CD and it did sound live. You are right, even out of the box the air and ambience of the venue and around the players is already quite pronounced which creates a live sound.
Yes, this is a lot of fun. The most fun I have ever had with this crazy hobby. Will keep you posted on the amp and SA14 break in. The amp mod really lowered the noise floor-I am now hearing things I never did on very familiar recordings and the digital glare is largely almost completely removed (and that was with the TRL 595, not the TRL SA14).
Well...You know-that typical TRL treatment that they do! I am really liking the amp changes from the mod.
Will keep the equipment burning in 24/7. I am taking a trip over the holiday weekend so I will not be tempted to listen over the weekend.
Regards to all and thanks for your insights. |
Jes45 is probably the expert on QuickSilver. If you go to their website, I think he has his impressions/review of the product posted there. I did not notice any drawbacks before-only positive changes in presence and focus of the sound presentation. The science behind it makes sense to me. If you don't like it-simply wipe it off with alcohol or DeOxit.
It does take most of three days to settle down after application. You won't like it the first two+ days.
As far as the bass on the SA14-my setup has two major things going on right now with the integrated amp burning in and the then also the SA14 unit burning in. The bass is very clean, tight, and musical. I am sure it will fill out with that additional minor increment I am used to in my system when both the amp and SA14 break in.
I listen to all kinds of music, but mostly a lot of late 50's and early 60's jazz ensembles (Miles, Adderley, Coltrane, Monk, Burrell, Brubeck, Smith, etc). So I really am not what one would call a bass afficiando, but I do like to feel the weight of the lower end a bit as long as it is consistent and not out of place with the recording. |
Quick update on the break in process-
The TRL Marantz SA14 now has about 140 hours of break in time as I was gone for the holiday weekend and just got back this evening.
The TRL modded Musical Fidelity A300 integrated now has about 200 hours (9-10 days) of break in on it.
Both units will reportedly need at least 500 hours and/or a month or more of break in but I think the character or signature is there at this point.
At this point, the sound seems to be maturing quite well. The lower midbass and lower bass that I was waiting on is now developing a nice physical/visceral quality to enhance it's already extended clean musical nature.
The overall sound of this setup is very very natural and opening up quite a bit.
Jes45- In answer to your question...I had a pretty open mind about expectations. I guess I was hoping for a nice incremental upgrade from the TRL Sony 595 which is a quite wonderful unit itself. I am of the opinion that there is a law of diminishing returns in this crazy hobby and the SA14 plus mod is not cheap, at least for me.
Well, let's just say this appears to be all that I was hoping for and more at this point. Money well spent IMHO at this pretty early point in the break in process.
Will post more as it evolves. This is a very musical unit. |
Welcome to the discussion and I hope the TRL DV9500 meets your expectations.
As far as power and IC's, I use a Ven Haus Audio power cable made for digital. It is modestly priced and seems to be an excellent performer and is well reviewed.
For IC's, I use RS Audio Silver Interconnects. Once again modestly priced, but viewed and reviewed as a very solid performer. Although is is pure silver, it is not hot or tizzy by any means and I have been happy enough with it to not worry too much about an upgrade.
I am sure there are better power and IC's out there, but it is so system specific you almost have to try different stuff out IMHO. I want cables to stay out of the way and these seem to let the sound through pretty well.
I use CD's and SACD's with a wide range of dynamics and frequency range for break in as suggested by others. I am not sure about having to break in both SACD and CD separately, but I alternate discs.
Since I am also breaking in my TRL modded Musical Fidelity A300 amp, I have been doing some sessions at higher volumes at times. I also like La45's technique of turning everything off for a few hours and then starting the burn in again.
As far as the sound after about 180 hours on the TRL SA14, it is natural, open, extended, detailed, smooth, with a deep, high, and wide visual soundstage.
It is breaking in very nicely. Some tizziness on certain recordings, but this seesm to be more a product of the recording than the player (DiMeola-Kiss My Axe; Foreplay-Heartfelt). The unit seems to present the music fully and honestly so if a recording is mastered a bit hot like the above examples, it does not tame it completely at least at this point.
By comparision, those CD's on previous players only took listening 10 minutes at high volumes to become fatiguing and harsh. The SA14 is a smooth customer, but as it presents the recording honestly, some stuff may still be a bit digital sounding.
Overall, sounds analog on most CD's even more than the TRL Sony 595 which is saying something.
Let us know how your unit turns out! |
Thanks for the suggestion on the SACD/CD break in. On the previous TRL Sony 595 I just loaded up both types of discs in the changer. SACD sounds quite wonderful so far on the couple I do have.
What kind of anti-static sheet do you mean? The kind that video cards or motherboards come wrapped in?
La45- Will give the antistatic sheet a try tonight. I build computers on the side for fun and have a lot of these sheets laying around in back. I am always open to tweaks and enhancements that might add an element to the sound. The best recent ones I have found are the RRL Shine Ola CD cleaner stuff, the QuickSilver Contact enhancer, and plumber's teflon tape wrapped on the tubes of my Hagerman Cornet phono stage.
My system sits on a DIY heavy MDF shelving racks that are mounted on threaded rods, and I am on a basement floor so I have some good things going as far as vibration. Static in the winter is terrible in my house though. Probably better now that we are entering the humid season in the Midwest.
I am sure the SA-1 is a wonderful player similar in some ways to the Sony SCD-1 as far as venerable former flagship models. I see they are going for 3-4K$ at this point.
The TRL SA14 investment is quite a bit less, however, and I guess that makes it quite attractive since it also seems to be giving people a reference player level listening experience. I am quite impressed with this unit as it breaks in now at about 260 hours. |
Let us know what your impressions are. Thanks. |
Tried a large bag/sheet that came with a mobo, but didn't notice a difference in my setup when placed underneath. Will try again this evening with a different CD. You never know about these things! Could have something to do with other variables in a specific setup/rack environment. Thanks. |
Well, I tried a couple different CDs and different size anti-static sheets and could not hear a difference in my setup. La45- I have no doubt at all it has made an audible difference in your system.
It may have something to do with the unique and different units/racks, cables, other components, etc. These SA14's do have a lot of shielding and weight added to them so maybe are less susceptible to environmental electromagnetic stuff. Who knows. This thing weighs 35 lbs or something. I don't know why it is so heavy. Sure sounds good :) |
Did you try using the sheets and cd directly? La45- Sometimes I am a real dumba$$. What exactly do you mean to do here? Maybe I am doing this wrong. I placed the anti-static sheet underneath the player. Am I supposed to put it somewhere else? Thanks! |
Ok, I understand now. I tried it both on top and underneath the unit. Will be interested to see if it has an impact for Jack or others.
Here is the TRL contact info from the website.
Tube Research Labs, Inc. 109 C St SE Quincy, WA 98848 509-787-5405 509-787-5205 509-989-4437
Ouch! Hope that works out to your satisfaction. I agree with Jack- TRL packs these things with extreme care. It takes a good fifteen minutes ot evn get the player unwrapped. FEDEX must have drove over it with a truck. I am sorry you have to go through this. |
Your behavior on these forums and in your stated collaboration for Alex Peychev of APL attempting to maliciously discredit TRL and also, regrettably now, your harassment of other members of this forum is all the information pretty much anyone needs to know.
Good Luck in your journey and we all wish Alex of APL good luck in his business efforts.
Capitalism is a beautiful thing in America, as is free speech, but there are corresponding implied ethics, morals, and responsibilities that go along with these freedoms. There is also an ultimately unforgiving natural selection process that takes place in our American society as the consumer evaluates any company they are considering spending their money with.
As Guido has said- this has been most informative for all.
Oh, and just to assist you and Alex out ahead of time- I am not an audio dealer for TRL so no need to make that pitiful accusation.
No, I am simply just another happy audiophile consumer in a capitalist society whom has made their choice where to spend some of my money.
I am also through responding to any further posts by you or Alex as they are so patently unethical, ludicrous, and disturbing that doing so only enables such continued behavior on your part. |
My friend here on AG (tmoore) also placed himself on the order for a TRL SA11. He discussed this at length with Paul after he could not find an SA14 the last few weeks. I am sure that you have also talked extensively with Paul, and he feels that these units should turn out beautifully also. Will be interesting to see what people think, and what TRL thinks when they hear both the SA14 and SA11 side by side. They are doing enough SA14's that they should have one in the shop to compare when they get yours in for modding. If it has a similar signature and sound to the SA14, I think you will find the issues that Jack describes as addressed very well. I am very happy with my SA14 in my setup as it breaks in. Regards- |
Well, I guess TRL did some kind of demo of the new SS integrated ST-225 with an audio group (Staephan Harrell's of 6 Moons?) other reviewers, and people from LA and Las Vegas. I haven't heard how it went.
Yes, I will have one available to audition as my best friend is going to try it with his Soundlabs.
Should be interesting. |
Hi Jay-
I talked with Brian about it and they felt from their testing after modding that putting it on the Custom setting was the best sounding. Yes, the Custom setting supposedly allows a greater frequency range if I recall correctly. Maybe you could check with Brian or Paul about your specific preamp/amp, but I am guessing that it is no problem as I recall you have a very nice setup. There may be some amps that do not handle this, but I don't know what they criteria are. |
Island dude-
Glad that this thread is again serving its intent of providing information of possible value to forum members.
I have the modded TRL Marantz SA14. I cannot comment upon it's stock sound as I had my unit shipped directly to TRL for the mod. I listen to mostly Redbook and only have a few SACD's.
Redbook on the modded SA14 sounds wonderful to me-as good or better on most CD's as my turntable setup which is pretty decent (I see we have the same Dynavector cartridge). SACD is a step up on the recordings I do have.
As far as DACs or other digital I have had in my system, the modded SA14 is better in every way compared to what I have had-
Bel Canto 1.1 Cary 308 TRL modified Sony 595
The TRL Sony was a clear step up for me from the first two IMHO, but does not have the extension and resolution of the TRL SA14.
Others here may be able to comment upon the Redbook performance compared to modded universals. I do know that TRL is of the opinion FWIW, that the SACD/CD units they mod are typically better suited for dedicated 2 channel listening-even after modding if that is your main focus.
Certainly you will get many opinions and I am sure that some of the 3910 or other universal mods are very very good by VSE, APL, etc.
As you have noticed, people seem to be passionate about what they actually own :)
You have a wonderful system.
Good luck in your search. |
I think Jack and some others may have very nice TT setups and may be able to offer some comments.
I really enjoy my TT/cartridge/phono stage but it is not probably considered very high end so maybe not a good comparision.
FWIW, the TRL SA14 is easily as satisfying on well mastered CD's as my best LP's are on my modest setup. Very natural analog sound in general to my ears. |
Air between instruments Lack of harshness Soundstage depth especially good on both Instrument placement is excellent Recording venue is heard (room reverb quality) Smoothness Acoustic instruments esp. horns and bass sound real Engaging and involving, but not overly lush or rolled off
More bass extension and depth on SA14 (The SA14 has incredibly musical deep bass) More detail on SA14 Still something about a great LP that is magical that is different than digital The SA14 is still breaking in (350 hours) so I am still assessing, but some recordings have some digital sound still. None of my LP's really sound edgy-even the ones that used digital recording process (i.e.Donald Fagen, Talking Heads).
Of course, CD's and SACD's are uniformly clean and without ticks and pops; but that is part of the LP experience I don't mind really.
Just talking out loud here. I really am very very pleased with both. Listening to music is a real treat these days. |
La45- Yes, the mediums are different for sure. My Technics has the KAB modified arm with the trough/paddle thing to address the alleged tonearm refinement complaints. The Hagerman Cornet tube phono stage was a revelation when I added that. Wonderful piece of gear. The Dyna 10X5 moving coil is sweet. Very satisfying to me, although quite modest setup.
I love both mediums, but sometimes that character thing you talk about can only be satisfied with a great LP.
Jes45- Let us know what you think about your SA14 as it runs in. I have about 350 hours on mine after a little break. |
Well, when Paul and Brian said they had been doing continued analysis and evaluation of the SA14 and had uncovered additional exciting upgrades to the existing mod*****they wanted to do for free*****I couldn't get to Fedex quick enough. They told me they were going to offer it to all SA14 past mod customers, but I would get to be one of the first if I wanted.
I just got it back this week. Yes, the music jumps out of blackness. It is faster and handles transients and dynamics easier now. The midrange is more fleshed out and has more authority than before. Music simply sounds more real. I only have my unit a little over halfway broken in so I can expect some continued changes.
This thing was already very very special before I sent it back to Summer Camp at TRL. I was happy as hell already. Appears to be a very exciting and not subtle upgrade and the fact they are doing it for free is quite a statement about them.
Will keep you posted as it breaks in fully.
Power cords are kind of Black Art/voodoo thing. While I firmly believe that a good aftermarket power cord is critical-which one is sort of mystifying. Early on in my audio ventures I just made the Crump/Asylum volex cords and they seemed to be a big step up from the crummy stock cords. Would love to hear from all about what power cords they feel work best with the TRL SA14 unit (or digital units in general).
I am using a Ven Haus Audio power cord that is specific for digital, but he has newer versions that are supposedly better. |
I believe that RAM does an SA11 mod for $3500. There may be some info at their site.
I believe TRL has some SA11 mods planned for a couple users at their standard fee of $550. Paul is optimistic it will turn out well, but they will need to do some R&D as they are different units. |
Let us know how it turns out as it breaks in. I am guessing it will be similar to the SA14 in many ways. Break in takes time-they seem to see the 500 hour mark as pretty standard on their mods. My expereince with two TRL digital mods is that it pretty much is changing a lot for the first 300 hours. After that it is more incremental changes. I do think they use some of the wire internally to the IEC connection that they also use in their High End power cords that Jsala has mentioned. The break in on that wire alone is long from what I hear-hence part of the 500 hour process.
Shuang -
They do have the ability to order new units from Marnatz. You could check with them about pricing on an 8260 and get their opinion on how it compares to the Sony 2000 which is a very special unit in it's own right.
I will be seeing and hearing the ST-225 integrated solid state amp next week. My friend here in Agon (tmoore) is trying it out with his Soundlabs. He gets it tomorrow. I have talked to someone who has one. He is very very impressed. Claims it may be the best he has ever heard and he has been doing this hobby for 3 decades. I may get to try it out in my system also when my friend has evaluated if it works in his setup. |
To all:
Just to clarify things a bit so folks are not alarmed-the car accident mentioned above involved only one TRL staffer-Brian Weitzel. He runs the Record Research Labs (LP cleaners, Shine OLA) part of of the business in addition to partnering with Paul on their amps, recording, and digital, medical, and IT work, and is overseeing the rollout of the new solid state ST -225 integrated amp. (Yes, they are very excited about it and yes they usually are pretty conservative about praise).
Anyway, Brian was involved in a single car accident coming home late on the Interstate from work one evening last month. No other TRL staff were present. He works a lot of hours in the TRL/RRL business and also has been diagnosed with sleep apnea. He dozed off briefly at the wheel and crashed. Thankfully and through the grace of God he survived with some significant, but not life threatening injuries. Thankfully also, no one else was involved in the crash and no one else was hurt. Brian was back to work after a couple weeks and is taking it a bit easier right now as he recovers.
That didn't stop him from lifting 30 cases on an order of the RRL LP cleaner to get out to FEDEX two weeks ago. He reaggravated his rib injuries that day. I told him that is what big brothers like Paul are for-to do the heavy lifting some times!
We all thank God Brian is recovering and it no doubt reaffirmed his strong faith that someone upstairs is looking out after him. |
It is well established that the specifics of circuit and parts changes are not released by TRL. This is troubling to some people, others could care less if the outcome is something they are happy with. That said, I do know that they use some of that wire that goes into their reference power cords and that supposedly is the break in from hell for that stuff.
For whatever reasons, it has taken all of the 500 hours or more for the mods from them that I have had to really settle in. I just kind of enjoy the ride. My SA14 is at 324 hours with the upgraded mod.
It has improved over this time like most units usually do. The times I have noticed the most is when I have not listened to it for a few days and then play a CD. I agree, it is a mysterious and debate provoking process. |
I would call Paul. Distortion induced by the player is not normal. The TRL is exceptionally smooth, natural, detailed,and essentially hash or edge free.
If you have another source unit (CD/Turntable) you can confirm that the distortion is not coming from your preamp/amp or speakers.
TRL will make it right with no problem if there is something that happened to yours in shipping.
Regards- |
Hmmmm..... I would agree that a Denon receiver is not the best preamp/amp component for two channel listening, but there still shouldn't be noticeable increased noise level or hiss, or whatever you are getting. I have a Denon receiver myself and have used it with TRL digital sources (SOny 595, Marantz SA14) with no problems.
Since you say it is only on female vocals and guitar reverb I now am unclear what exactly it is you are hearing. Is is extreme sibliance on vocals? Is it unatural fizz on the electric guitars? Is it background noise level? If it is not on every disk, that is confusing to me.
I guess you could try a different preamp/amp combo if you can also. |