Belles Virtuoso power amp

My amp is just been shipped today. Can't hold the expectations. Lots of audiophiles have claim Belles produces top equipment and the virtuoso dual mono amp is a culmination of yrs. in progress. It will be matched with a Audible Illusions M3A pre amp and Vandys 2CE sig. Feels like a kiddo the night before Xmas.

So there's a power amp now too, alongside the Virtuoso integrated?

PLEASE get back to us after a while with a full report.

Curious also. It sounds like a very good match among what you have. Please report back. I am a Belles ref 150a v2 owner. I am very very happy.
I had a Belles 350A Ref.  Good amp.  I suspect the newer ones are even better.
HUGE Belles fan here!  I've owned amps:  150A, 150A Hot Rod. 150 Ref, 350A Ref, SA30.  Preamps: 20A, 21A Auricap, 22A.

WONDERFUL equipment and a great guy and company.

HIGHLY recommended!

Good luck with your new amp!  I bet it sounds GREAT!!!