$3000 stand mounted speakers?

Whats a good contender in the $3000 range for a small monitor speaker to use with an EL34 tube amp w/ 40 wpc? The room is lively w/ hardwood floors and 18' x 22' x  9'H family area.
I'm contemplating the ProAc Tablet 10, but I'm wondering if I can do better by increasing my purchase up to $3k.

(FYI, I don't want floor standing speakers because of WAF, and have no problem from my end on this matter.)
“Gsm, AudioNote looks good but over my budget unless preowned.” If you check HiFiShark, previously sold preowned AudioNote ANJ and ANK would have been in your price range. 
I just went though what you're going through and I ended up with B&W 705 S2. $2995 and I could at least listen to them at Best Buy.  They're very well known and I expect I will be able to sell them easily if I tire of them. 

I have two sets of similar speakers and I expect that 40 watts might borderline unless you keep the volume to a very reasonable level.

I read many reviews and recommendations.  They all provide some help but the final decision is still a gamble.....even with the 30 day guarantee.  I just didn't want to fool with it.