Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
Max Roach: Deeds not words. 

Miles Davis: Bitches Brew

Stanley Turrentine: Hustlin'
@uberwaltz  - I'm actually listening to most of the records I'm culling. It's time consuming and I hope it is worth the effort. Just did a better count regarding how many records will actually fit on my shelves. Seems like I can only get about 520 records inside the shelf. Would like to get down to that number and keep it that way. Might have one "milk crate" sitting beside the rack for overflow/in-process/in-coming. The shelves are modified IKEA and I can always add to it if needed. Each 2 section piece can hold an additional 130, but I don't really want to add more.

I've also got about 1500-2000 CDs and I rarely listen to them anymore. I'm going to cull them down to only a hundred or so of rare/favorites and sell the rest. I'll use the proceeds to help fund a streamer and Qobuz. Might even venture into Roon. From there, we'll see if I can live without Spotify Premium. That's a tough one, because I really like Spotify. Wish the sound quality was CD quality, or better.

Somehow, over time, I became a pack rat and I'm not happy or proud if it. I'm really trying to simplify my life and de-cluttering is a good start.
Cowboy Junkies 'all that reckoning' their most recent, stellar recording, side 2 slays me, side one good too. Saw them for the first time last weekend and picked this up at the show. very glad I did.

David Torn 'Clouds about Mercury' ECM recording
Jean-Luc Ponty - "Cosmic Messenger" (go)

Really a pretty good record if you like late ’70’s Jazz/Rock Fusion, ....with a violin! Ponty is a master and Joaquin Lievano plays a mean guitar. I saw Ponty live shortly after this record came out and he put on a good show. Anyway, somehow I ended up with 2 copied, both in mediocre condition. I think I’ll let them both go. If I ever see a really clean copy for a fair price, I may pick it up again.