Hello everyone,
OK. You made the trip and or really wanted to, are ready to see everything on your short list.


aside from those who will or want to do it all, what rooms would you put on your short list to check out foremost?

last year I had few preffs on what to see. I wanted to see it all going in but that changed given logistics, waiting times, and then locating the particular gear to check out. this year I’ll use a different approach and check out just those items I’m really interested in, and if time permits, see some other rooms

so, what is your standard Audio Show plan?
BTW, I got the bit on wearing comfy shoes!

or, what is it in this show you defintely want to hear?

I missed a couple of the big room heavy hitters  last year like MBsL and VAC/VSA. and interestingly enough stumbled into the MurAudio/Merrill Audio demo simply was sheer audio Heaven as was the Classic Audio/Atmas/PAD in the big room called the Pavillion.
hopefully there will be another unexpected setup that has the same hair rasing effect on the senses this year. I wonder who it will be?


Well, I was smitten by the Muraudio electostats at last years show, so want to revisit them again as a possible prelude to purchase.  Also interested in the Lampi Amber dac as well as the various streamers that’ll be on display.  Surprisingly good show last year, hope for more!

willgolf > Visit the Raven Audio room.  

Raven? If these are High Sense speakers then I likely will. Thank you

butler > Well, I was smitten by the Muraudio electostats at last years show, so want to revisit them again as a possible prelude to purchase.  Also interested in the Lampi Amber dac as well as the various streamers that’ll be on display.  Surprisingly good show last year, hope for more!

as I said above the Muraudio room was unforgettable. although EMM Labs and the associated power train aided that adventure greatly.

sanders will be there too so I’d take a peak at what his demo will be, JIC.

agreed on checkign out the Streamer hardware too. I’m liking the Wolf approach lately.

Exaosound as well has a significant combo which should be on hand for demo too and seems a viable alternative.

It will be an interesting affair and given last years 40 or so entries and this year’s more than 65 things should be hopping!

I know I’ll be there this weekend at least one day, but am hoping to be there for both Saturday and Sunday.

Anyone who attends should visit room 605 and check out Clayton's new M3 Sapphires.


@ozzy62 Good call! given the you tube vids and especially the one from aVS with Linear Tube & Lampy, a complete ready rolled rig for <$10K? well, that is very cool

Thanks much