Can you tell me why I didn't like the Reference 3a MM's?

So I recently asked about a new amp on the Amplifier forum.  I got a lot of good advice and ended up with a Pass XA25.  I really like this amp and the sound.  I have been told by Reno Hi Fi, Pass Labs and B&W, all of whom I contacted, that the XA25 is under-powered for my B&W 705S2 speakers.  But it sounds very good.  However a little flat when the volume is low.

So I am looking for some more efficient speakers.  I tried a used set of Reference 3a deCapo MM's, but they did not have the clarity of the B&W's and sounded a bit muddy at times.

I am looking at Omega Super Alnico HO's.  But I am wondering if the full range driver sound is what I didn't like.  

Am I wrong in thinking more efficient speakers will sound somewhat better at a lower volume?  Can you possibly tell my why I didn't like the MM's?  Something about their design or build?

Any thoughts on the Super Alnico HO's?  I don't want to move down the speaker sound chain.

Thanks much!  Any other speaker suggestions welcome!  But not horns.  I am not a Klipsch fan.
I've been curious about Fritz speakers.  They're not as efficient as I am looking for.   Funny, they say a set amp will drive them then recommend a 30 Watt minimum
I’ve heard the Fritz off a ~ 10 watt tube  amp at a show. Not efficient but an easy load and they sounded amazingly top notch at moderate volume in a typical size hotel room. One of the best of show. I would love to pick up a pair someday.
I have a pair of the MM de capo BEs; they're very good, but I find that I slightly prefer the Wavetouch Antero.  I'm talking about in my home, all else being the same, just switching speakers.  For watching DVDs, I use a solid state preamp and amp; for serious listening, I use a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium preamp and Dialogue Premium HP amp.  Also a pair of subwoofers (with either preamp/amp).
I have spent many years with 3A de Capos, and found that they can be quite magical with the right amplifier. I tried a Pass J2 with them, and was surprised that the J2 did not do anything special with them. I know the J2 and other Pass amps such as the XA25 have sounded fantastic with other speakers. I am guessing that the reason you were not impressed with what you heard was due to a similar amp/speaker mis-match. The 3A speakers are a very easy load for even flea-powered amps, and can sound very lively with such amps, despite their true efficiency, which as mentioned above, is actually around 88db watt/meter. 
+1 @mapman

Certainly for the price and parts, they are amazing values. I was at a show and got to talking to some lady musicians / audiophiles who recorded DSD for Blue Coast. Fritz was one of their favorite rooms.
