Can you tell me why I didn't like the Reference 3a MM's?

So I recently asked about a new amp on the Amplifier forum.  I got a lot of good advice and ended up with a Pass XA25.  I really like this amp and the sound.  I have been told by Reno Hi Fi, Pass Labs and B&W, all of whom I contacted, that the XA25 is under-powered for my B&W 705S2 speakers.  But it sounds very good.  However a little flat when the volume is low.

So I am looking for some more efficient speakers.  I tried a used set of Reference 3a deCapo MM's, but they did not have the clarity of the B&W's and sounded a bit muddy at times.

I am looking at Omega Super Alnico HO's.  But I am wondering if the full range driver sound is what I didn't like.  

Am I wrong in thinking more efficient speakers will sound somewhat better at a lower volume?  Can you possibly tell my why I didn't like the MM's?  Something about their design or build?

Any thoughts on the Super Alnico HO's?  I don't want to move down the speaker sound chain.

Thanks much!  Any other speaker suggestions welcome!  But not horns.  I am not a Klipsch fan.

Showing 9 responses by jgoldrick

Thanks almarg,

From what I have learned, that makes some sense to me.  Which is good, I am learning.  It's also why the MM's didn't sound any louder and perhaps even a bit less.
I have looked at the Zu's as possibility.  What about the 12 ohms impedance?  Is that an impedance to good sound with my amp?

I am limited on what I can do with the room.  Athough I did take a measurement with REW and and a mindsp mic.  However, I am at a loss as to how to relate that to actual room treatments.

The Aric Audio puts out a lot of gain. I have the gain almost all the way down and the volume, even with the Pass, rarely gets past 10 - 11.  It could well be amp/speaker interaction, as I was a bit surprised and disappointed myself, what will all the good reviews over the years.  Not that the sound was bad, just not as good IMHO.
I have good source.
Metrum Onyx with a Kitsune tuned Singxer DDC
Audioquest speaker cables - the $18ft ones
Cardas and Audioquest interconnects.
MPD on a linux Raspberry Pi
E.A.T C-Major turntable with a Black Cube phono amp.
Aric Audio Unlimited preamp
Pass XA25 amp

I had a Odyssey Khartoga. Good amp, but I felt it was my weak spot. So I got the Pass.

I really need to stick with Bookshelf, as my "listening room" is my garage and the speakers are about a foot off the ceiling and wall for protection.

What do I want? Magic! I want it all! I do have a subwoofer, B&W to compensate for low end. I want good midrange, imaging, tonal and clarity. I want to go "Wow, that sounds really good." at times. Which I have now, until I turn the volume down. But as I get older, my wife and I both tend to listen with the volume lower. Sure, I still crank it up every now and then, but that is getting further and further apart. So I am hoping/thinking that a more efficient speaker would just plain sound better at a lower volume.

Most reviews of the B&W agree, they are really good with the volume up. Maybe less so at quieter levels.

Budget - up to $4k maybe, if everyone is raving about the speakers.
I have them mounted on holders that stick out about a foot and are down about a foot from the top of the speaker. They tilt slightly downward towards where I sit and work. 

 Protection from cars, dust, dogs, kids, flying pieces of wood from a saw.  My garage is my space generally, shared with my shop, office, wife's car nights, grandchildren, pets, tools, saws, etc.

Not the best arrangement, I know, but it's what I have and it works fairly well.  I tried the foam plugs in the ports, but the imaging dropped wayyyyy off.
I've been curious about Fritz speakers.  They're not as efficient as I am looking for.   Funny, they say a set amp will drive them then recommend a 30 Watt minimum
You know jbrrp, between you and almarg, I think you have both nailed it.  Lower sensitivity and speaker placement.  Makes sense.

geof3, I would love to put my speakers in a better position.  But if I do I will always be unhappy with where they are.  

So I am taking some advice and seeing if Omega and possibly Fritz can come up with a solution to my speaker placement.  See what they say.  Thanks all!
Hi aricaudio

I have some 12ax7 and some 5751.  All have mu between 1450 and 1500.  Love the preamp, BTW.